Beat Sugar Addiction Now!: The Cutting-Edge Program That Cures Your Type of Sugar Addiction and Puts You on the Road to Feeling Great - and Losing Weight!
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I received this item about 7 days back and am extremely pleased with the product. I had an Beat Sugar Addiction Now!: The Cutting-Edge Program That Cures Your Type of Sugar Addiction and Puts You on the Road to Feeling Great - and Losing Weight! and I would never purchase once again. Up until now so great. Can't be even worse than the Beat Sugar Addiction Now!: The Cutting-Edge Program That Cures Your Type of Sugar Addiction and Puts You on the Road to Feeling Great - and Losing Weight! Also if you registered it on line you got an added 2 months guarantee.
Beat Sugar Addiction Now!: The Cutting-Edge Program That Cures Your Type of Sugar Addiction and Puts You on the Road to Feeling Great - and Losing Weight! Explanation
The No-Fail Plan to Beating Sugar Addiction!
With one-third of our calories coming from sugar and white flour added to processed foods, sugar addiction is a rapidly growing epidemic. However, unlike other addictions, going “cold turkey” won’t fix it. In this groundbreaking book, nationally recognized physician Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum uncovers four types of sugar addiction and gives a step-by-step plan for resolving their underlying causes, breaking sugar cravings forever, and achieving dramatically improved health and energy levels—while also making it easier to lose weight!
Beat Sugar Addiction Now!: The Cutting-Edge Program That Cures Your Type of Sugar Addiction and Puts You on the Road to Feeling Great - and Losing Weight! Features
If you are looking for a Beat Sugar Addiction Now!: The Cutting-Edge Program That Cures Your Type of Sugar Addiction and Puts You on the Road to Feeling Great - and Losing Weight!, so i high advised this hot product to you. I bought this hot item at a price that offers in United States.
Most Underlined Buyer Review : Great to have all the information in one place
Teitelbaum and Fiedler's book is easy to understand and the book is broken down into several sections.
Part I outlines the different kinds of sugar addictions and how they affect people's lives.
4 kinds of addicts are described:
Type 1 addicts use sugar and caffeine to keep themselves awake, and tend to be addicted to energy drinks. They are stressed out, often Type A personalities who substitute the quick fix of coffee or sugar to make up for not getting enough sleep or eating a healthy diet.
Type 2 addicts are suffering from adrenal failure and use sugar to keep themselves going when they are exhausted or stressed out. These are the hypoglycemics, the people whose blood sugar drops and leaves them irritable, shaky, and tearful.
Type 3 addicts have sugar cravings caused by an overgrowth of yeast. These people spend a lot of time eating and wanting to eat foods with a lot of sugar and white flour because it makes them feel...
Exactly what Other Buyer state?
Changed the way I look at food
This book has changed the way I look at food, and I am pretty excited about it. I am ready to lose weight, to feel better and to have a better life.
Having just finished reading it, I haven't started yet, but I have faith that I will. This is not an unrealistic plan and there are no specific weight loss goals or promises. Nowhere in this book does he say "You will lose 30 pounds in the first 4 months-guaranteed!" or anything like that, because those kind of claims are either BS or based on unhealthy weight loss goals.
This is not a diet book. It's not about following a plan to reach a set weight and then stopping. This is about changing your life and your lifestyle for good. It's about saying good bye to some things and adding a lot of other things in.
I thought this would just be a preachy book telling me what a bad person I am for eating brownies and how I need to do better. Instead there isn't any judgment. I never felt like he was accusing me of...
Incompleteness and advertising overwhelm the good parts
Overall, this book was disappointing. The book starts off well, promising to identify one's type of sugar addiction and then offer solutions. There are some good points made, and things I will follow-up on. However, in its efforts to be a gimmicky "workbook", the book shortchanges the readers on important details and specifics. Just a few examples: in the discussion of sugar alcohols, there is absolutely no mention of xylitol, which is probably one of the most widely used sugar alcohols in the world (particularly in the Scandinavian countries) and readily available in North America. There is no mention in the book of vegetarian diets, leaving some of us mystified as to how to modify his prescriptions for meat, fish, eggs, and seafood (and of course, I'm not even mentioning the extremely well-documented negative health consequences of the amount of animal products he suggests, including the effects of excess protein). He does not discuss the effect of polished white rice on the...