The Diet Cure Best Seller

The Diet Cure

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Well, after doing a bunch of research and reading the reviews here and somewhere else, I decided to purchase The Diet Cure. Though I 'd have chosen a much better guarantee, I decided the features were attractive enough to attempt it. It is a lot of money to get rid of if it fails just after the guarantee. I am entirely in love with this product. It is high quality item, clever functions. I simply got it today, and I will update my review later if needed.

The Diet Cure Explanation

For the more than eighty million Americans who diet regularly--and without success--this amazing new program, based on ten years of proven clinical results, offers a revolutionary approach to nutrition that can safely curb your cravings and make you feel better in less than twenty-four hours. The Diet Cure begins with an 8-Step Quick Symptom Questionnaire that helps readers identify their unique underlying biochemical imbalances, such as depleted brain chemistry caused by too much dieting, hormonal irregularities, blood-sugar swings, food allergies, thyroid dysfunction, and a deficiency of "good" fats. Then it provides targeted strategies and nutritional guidelines to correct those imbalances, along with meal plans, tasty recipes, and inspiring case histories. Using amino acids to jump-start the program, readers create a safe, customized, easy-to-follow plan to end their food obsessions and attain their ideal healthy weight for good.
For most health books, the word cure in the title is a definite sign to steer clear. The Diet Cure is a refreshing exception. Author Julia Ross has the unusual job description of "nutritional psychologist," which means that she works with people to eradicate food cravings, addictions, and eating disorders (including overeating). The gist of The Diet Cure plan is that food allergies, hormonal irregularities, blood sugar swings, and thyroid dysfunction, among other factors, cause biochemical imbalances that lead to food addiction and weight gain, and that these problems can usually be lessened or eradicated with the proper diet and supplements.

To be sure, most of these health problems ought to be diagnosed by a medical professional, but they often get overlooked because their symptoms can be numerous and vague (fatigue, depression, inability to concentrate). They're not easily diagnosed by the common managed-care tests (such as the TSH, or thyroid-stimulating hormone, blood test; Ross advises several more specific tests if a thyroid problem is suspected). Ross's questionnaires, worksheets, and profiles of case studies from her 10 years of clinical experience will enable you to determine what may be the hidden causes that sabotage your weight-loss efforts.

Ross's book should be lauded for its educational tone. She warns of the dangers of zinc and vitamin B1 deficiencies, two common problems found in chronic dieters, along with protein and fat deficiencies and adrenal exhaustion (which is particularly common in caffeine fiends). She rails against the most popular diet programs, including the Zone, the Atkins Diet, and even Weight Watchers, for (among other things) their ignorance of food allergies such as grains, dairy products, and sugar. For those whom Ross terms, perhaps frighteningly, sugar addicts or "recreational sugar users," she suggests an amino-acid and fish-oil supplement plan to curb sugar cravings and aid weight loss. Many of her patients over the past decade testify in the book that their environmental allergies and weight-loss problems disappeared after they cut sugar from their diets.

Ross's suggestions may seem radical to many primary-care physicians; her approach to health and weight loss definitely takes a holistic approach. She does, however, back up her suggestions and plan with references to medical studies, along with dozens of print and online resources on finding a nutritionist, naturopathic physician, holistic M.D., and testing labs (many of them mail-order). This is one diet that Americans in particular ought to pay attention to.

The Diet Cure Features

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The Diet Cure even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : It is like a magic wand least for me! Her recommendations for amino acid supplementation worked incredibly. Although only 10 - 15 pounds overweight, I have dieted and "not dieted" since I was a teenager. By 45, I have learned that dieting, even moderate programs such as Weight Watchers, are only something I can follow for so long. I would always inexplicably binge, feel completely confused and completely without "will power" and note one more failure.

Though I would prefer to be slimmer, I have always been more upset by the fact that I couldn't "control myself" or follow through with a decision to eat healthfully and not binge. What wierd, psychological thing was causing me to do this??

Hello Dr. Ross! If only one, tiny thing stands out as a "magic wand" experience (and there are more than one) it was her "emergency" recommendation to handle cravings. Open a capsule of L-Glutemine and let it dissolve under your tongue. I have never experienced...

Exactly what Other Purchaser point out?
A Miracle!
I am pretty savvy when it comes to nutrition and healthy living, I've read alot of books on this topic and have been eating whole organic foods most of my adult life. I avoid fast food, processed food, additives, simple sugars, wheat, etc. I add supplements here and there when needed, keep the meals balanced with the right amount of protien, carbs and fats, etc. I thought I was doing pretty good, at least in the top 20% so I thought. Well, Julia Ross has changed my life. Within a week on her program, the mental fog that has been slowly drifting into my existence over the past 10 years has lifted. My memory has improved as well as my focus and mental clarity. My sensitivity to life's pressures and stresses is cut by half. I have more energy and it is more consistent through the day. My carb addiction and afternoon blood sugar drops (I have often commented (half) jokingly about joining "bread addicts anonymous") are nothing like they were. After one week on her program, I have...

Made sense & answered my questions
I bought the book one afternoon and couldn't put it down until I was through reading it! It answered so many of my lingering questions that weren't urgent enough to see my doctor about but which still concerned me. Julia Ross explains the problems, causes, and solutions in a very clear and understandable way. Now I am finally able to see my patterns of dieting and the troubles which have followed me since. Although I've spent a lot of money on supplements I felt better the day I started taking them; I had more energy and my constant need for sugar disappeared. To me it's worth it! I feel safe taking the supplements because I checked with my MD before hand and he said he took amino acid supplements as well. My doctor's only recommendation was to chart and observe the way I feel so that I can create my own plan and be able to maintain my mood and control my cravings. Julia Ross recommends the same thing: to be aware of your body and be able to help it help...


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