The Mood Cure: The 4-Step Program to Take Charge of Your Emotions--Today
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I did have some issues after checking out some of the prior testimonials prior to purchasing the unit. After making use of the unit now for time I can state I have actually had zero problems and the unit has actually done perfect. We simply bought this The Mood Cure: The 4-Step Program to Take Charge of Your Emotions--Today, making use of the price cut and the cost-free shipping. Made it the finest price on the web when we purchased it first of this month.
The Mood Cure: The 4-Step Program to Take Charge of Your Emotions--Today Explanation
We’re in a bad mood epidemic, but Julia Ross’s plan provides a natural cure. Drawing on thirty years of experience, she presents breakthrough solutions to overcoming depression, anxiety, irritability, stress, and other negative emotional states that are diminishing the quality of our lives. Her comprehensive program is based on the use of four mood-building amino acids and other surprisingly potent nutrient supplements, plus a diet rich in good-mood foods such as protein, healthy fat, and certain key vegetables. Including an individualized mood-type questionnaire, The Mood Cure has all the tools to help
you get started today and feel better tomorrow.
The Mood Cure: The 4-Step Program to Take Charge of Your Emotions--Today Features
If you are trying to find a The Mood Cure: The 4-Step Program to Take Charge of Your Emotions--Today, so i high recommended this hot item to you. I bought this item at a price that offers in United States.
Most Underlined Buyer Review : Information in this book saved my life, literally.
In March of 2008 I had to let my insurance go. I am self employed and the cost had skyrocketed. As I knew the end was coming I tried to prepare by reading about and using holistic treatments as opposed to the five prescriptions that I was going to have to do without. I was diagnosed as severely clinically depressed in the late '90s. The very first prescription that I was ever given was one for 60mg., yes 60mg, of Prozac. The doctor(s) wanted to hospitalize me but I refused, opting instead to see the psychiatrist every other day....the first week was every day. I managed to get through this first year without killing myself and it is all just a blur. There were side effects to the drug that they "treated" with more drugs. I gained weight, lost weight, slept for 8 months, went through my entire life savings, etc., etc., you get the picture. I was a total mess. As time progressed I noticed that the drugs stopped working as effectively as they did in the beginning so I'd get switched...
Various other Buyer Saying
Hard to believe, but it works!
The Mood Cure works! I've been on and off antidepressants for 5 or more years now. Most recently, I was taking Wellbutrin (300mg/day) and klonopin as needed to sleep. My husband and I were watching a spiritual infomerical about amino acid therapy one morning and he (the skeptic) made it his mission to "cure" me. He searched the internet and decided on "The Mood Cure," had to go out and buy it and the amino's that day! I went off of the pharmaceuticals cold turkey and after about a week and half of withdrawal and/or adaptation to amino therapy, my constant state of depression and anxiety miraculously dissipated. It's been two months now and the first month was filled with ENORMOUS turmoil and stress due to our life circumstances, not drug withdrawal or starting a new regime, and I have to say my overall state of calm and contentment have prevailed 99% of the time. Okay, things still get edgy around PMS time, but not nearly as depilitating!
If you are depressed, anxiety ridden,...
Skeptic Becomes Scientist Becomes Convert
I am a total skeptic. I've been a successful psychotherapist for 25 years. I've had mood difficulties my entire life and have consumed the usual therapies, medications and hormone replacement therapies and remedies without a "cure". What was most helpful about this book was the distinction Ross invites you to make between emotions caused by real events and thoughts versus "false moods" that are physiological states. Psychotherapy doesn't help correct physiological imbalances as efficiently as seeking a physiological remedy. Next, with a simple quiz, she divides these mood states into four basic catagories and invites you to locate yourself into a catagory or two based upon the prevalance of certain symptoms. So far, this is like a detective story with you and your symptoms as the main focus. The plot thickens: She educates you about the nature of the physical imbalance implied by your answers and explains the action of the recommended nutritional supplements aimed at your...
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