Healing Lyme: Natural Healing and Prevention of Lyme Borreliosis and Its Coinfections
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Healing Lyme: Natural Healing and Prevention of Lyme Borreliosis and Its Coinfections Details
Despite Centers for Disease Control estimates that only 20,000 new Lyme disease infections occur each year, the true figure, as Harvard medical school researchers have found, nearly approaches 200,000. Symptoms run from mild lethargy to severe arthritis to incapacitating mental dysfunction. And despite medical pronouncements to the contrary, extensive research has found that tests for the disease are not very reliable and antibiotics are only partially effective; up to 35 percent of those infected will not respond to treatment or will relapse. The spirochetes that cause Lyme are stealth pathogens--they can hide within cells or alter their form so that antibiotics cannot affect them. Lyme disease is, in fact, a potent, emerging epidemic disease for which technological medicine is only partially effective.
Healing Lyme examines the leading, scientific research on Lyme infection, its tests and treatments, and outlines the most potent herbal medicines and supplements that offer help--either alone or in combination with antibiotics--for preventing and healing the disease. It is the essential guide to Lyme infection and its treatment.
Healing Lyme: Natural Healing and Prevention of Lyme Borreliosis and Its Coinfections Features
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Most Underlined Buyer Review : Healing Lyme
In this original and meticulously researched book, Stephen Buhner sets out to explain Lyme disease, currently the most common vector borne disease in the USA and a serious emerging health threat throughout the temperate world. The first part covers the life cycle and ecology of the causal spirochaete bacteria; disease symptoms and pathogenesis and a discussion on conventional and alternative treatment options. In the second part he gives a detailed, evidence-based description of two herbal protocols he has developed for different stages of infection.
Healing Lyme covers a huge amount of well-referenced technical, scientific and herbal information. The result is a book that is important for health practitioners, sufferers of Lyme disease and anyone interested to know more about it and the risks of catching it. It is also important for epidemiologists concerned with emerging diseases, and ecologists and microbiologists interested in organism-organism interactions. Some...
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Essential Lyme Reading
If you have Lyme or are concerned about getting Lyme, this is the book you must read. One of the continuing problems with Lyme is the difficulty in getting legitimate information about the disease organism and, more importantly, treatment interventions that are grounded in science - and this includes antibiotic regimens. Stephen Buhner's work in this book is tremendously exact, very deep, and backed up by hundreds of clinical trials and studies. The information has been there but no one, until now, has taken the time to put it into usable form. Buhner has written the first comprehensive work on the Lyme spirochete, its modes of transmission, and the subtle alterations is causes in the body during infection. The book is worth the price for this material alone. But he follows that up with a sophisticated herbal protocol to treat and prevent the disease and its coinfections. The herbal information is astonishing. Buhner's analysis shows how the herbs in the book counteract the subtle...
Physician Recommended, You will learn more than you ever wanted to know, but you also get weapons to fight this disease!
As a physician who works primarily in Preventive Medicine, I find myself meeting people almost everyday with vague multi-system complaints that have come and gone, got worse and better (but steadily, with each episode felt more sick), and played dectective, searching for causes, because it could *never* be one thing that caused so many organ systems to run amuck! Lyme disease can mimick almost any disease from Multiple Sclerosis to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to rheumatoid arthritis, and many infected patients are thought to have psychiatric problems. Mr. Buhner's excellent and highly educational book dives deep into the "expert system" that a stealth pathogen such as the Lyme spirochete develops to hide itself from our immune system, and to use our immune system to create inflammation that creates it's "food". He makes an excellent case for cooperative treatment between alternative healthcare providers who can provide the absolutely necessary specific immune support (and not the immune...
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