There Is a Cure for Diabetes: The Tree of Life 21-Day+ Program Best Seller

There Is a Cure for Diabetes: The Tree of Life 21-Day+ Program

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I did have some concerns after checking out a few of the previous testimonials prior to buying the unit. After using the unit now for time I can state I have actually had zero problems and the unit has actually performed exquisite. We simply bought this There Is a Cure for Diabetes: The Tree of Life 21-Day+ Program, making use of the discount and the free of cost shipping. Made it the very best cost on the net when we bought it initially of this month.

There Is a Cure for Diabetes: The Tree of Life 21-Day+ Program Details

Diabetes has become a seemingly unstoppable national epidemic, affecting more than twenty million Americans. Conventional wisdom calls it incurable, but renowned Dr. Gabriel Cousens counters that claim with this breakthrough book. There Is a Cure for Diabetes lays out a three-week plan for reversing the negative genetic expression of diabetes to a physiology of health and well-being. Dr. Cousens’s method, widely tested at his famous Tree of Life centers, is to reset the DNA through green juice fasting and a 100% organic, nutrient-dense, vegan, low-glycemic, low-insulin-scoring, and high-mineral diet of living foods in the first twenty-one days. Both practical and inspirational, the book explains how to abandon the widespread “culture of death”–symbolized by addictive junk food–that fosters diabetes in favor of a more natural, nurturing approach. The program renders insulin and related medicines unnecessary within four days as the blood sugar drops to normal levels; and the diabetic shifts into a non-diabetic physiology within two weeks. The third week focuses on live-food preparation, featuring 100 delicious raw recipes. Dr. Cousens emphasizes regular consultations, monitoring blood chemistries, and emotional support, and includes a one-year support program to help maintain a diabetes-free life.

There Is a Cure for Diabetes: The Tree of Life 21-Day+ Program Features

If you are trying to find a There Is a Cure for Diabetes: The Tree of Life 21-Day+ Program, so i high recommended this product to you. I bought this hot item at a price that offers in United States of America.

There Is a Cure for Diabetes: The Tree of Life 21-Day+ Program even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Ruth Walther Reviews
See the You Tube Video Raw for Thirty about diabetics using this program to cure their diabetes.

I find it amazing that of the reviewers that say they have diabetes- every single one said this program lowered their blood sugars and it works. Yet, people give the program a lukewarm review because it is too hard, or there aren't enough recipes, nor an exact diet given. Do you want a program that will help you cure your diabetes or not? This program gets you perfect blood sugar.

I am also a fan of Dr Richard Berenstein's Diabetes Solution. Berenstein says eat enough meat to feel satisfied. I see a lot of overlap between what these doctors are saying- yet one is a vegan rabbi and the other is an advocate of meat eating. That should tell you something. (Eat tons of vegetables, avoid most fruits and starches. Coffee is bad. You need to exercise to control blood sugar and build muscle. All those fake sugars are very bad. Berenstein says most of them don't work to...

Hear The Testimonials from Other Buyers
Dr. Cousens is my HERO!
I bought this book 3 weeks ago and I devoured it. I was totally inspired to convert my kitchen to raw foods and within 5 days I was off my oral meds following Dr. Cousens protocol. 3 weeks later, my FBS's are reliably under 80 and I feel like I am 25 again. Plus I am LOVING the food! There are some good starter recipes, but I would also get Dr. C's other book which has more recipes.
This book is FULL of great information that I found both empowering and accurate. I work in alternative health and appreciate Dr. Cousen's sane approach- he is not just talking about raw foods, but about mitigating mycotoxins that create disease. I have not found other raw food authors who understand and/or address this aspect of the disease cycle and I believe it is critical to maintaining/reclaiming vibrant health.
Although converting to raw IS a commitment of time and can feel isolating because it seems extreme to some, the benefits are undeniable, the food is fabulous and I can't understand...

Wow! On the Program for 6 Weeks
I received this book about 6 weeks ago and have been following the suggestions by Dr. Cousens. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes about 6 years ago with an A1c of almost 14. I tried vegetarian diets, all the way to Atkins, with little success. I was taking 30u of Novolog and 40-50u of Lantus daily. At my previous doctor's visit my A1c was 8.4 (with my lowest ever at 7.4) and my cholesteral was 324! I tried Lipitor but gave it up because of how it made me feel. Now, I'm shooting about 10u of Novolog and 20-25 of Lantus daily. I just returned from my appointment today and my A1c is 6.8! And my cholesteral is 164!!! I am a believer! I am probably only 90% raw and I still do put a little feta/parmesan in my salads, but I am so committed to this new way of being! I also do not use soy products, wheat or breads... My new goals are to have an A1c <6 and maintain healthy cholesteral levels. All in all this is a great book and is full of helpful ideas!


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