Best Offers Summerhill School: A New View of Childhood

Summerhill School: A New View of Childhood

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We just purchased this Summerhill School: A New View of Childhood, making use of the price cut and the cost-free shipping. Made it the finest rate on the net when we purchased it first of this month. after doing a great deal of research and reading the testimonials in other places. I got this product about 5 days back and am really delighted with the product, So far so excellent. I am absolutely in love with this Summerhill School: A New View of Childhood, It is a high quality item and having clever features.

Summerhill School: A New View of Childhood Description

Originally published in 1960, Summerhill became an instant bestseller and a classic volume of education for an entire generation. Now, this thoroughly expanded and revised version of the original Summerhill reinstates the revolutionary "free school" traditions begun by Summerhill's founder A.S. Neill.

As American education lags behind the rest of the world, this new edition is more timely than ever. The children of today face struggles far greater than any previous generation and we, as parents and teachers, must teach them now to make choices for themselves and to learn from the outcome of their decisions.

This classic work yet again invites a new view of childhood and presents an essential treatise that challenges us to rethink our approach to education.

Summerhill School: A New View of Childhood Features

If you are trying to find a Summerhill School: A New View of Childhood, so i highly advised this hot product to you. I bought this item at a price that offers in United States of America.

Summerhill School: A New View of Childhood even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Still going strong after eighty years!
Albert Lamb's affectionate and scholarly edition of A.S. Neill's words about his beloved school, Summerhill, sheds new light on the old dominie's wisdom and dedication to the welfare of children and the integrity of childhood. A long-time friend of Wilhelm Reich, psychoanalytically savvy Neill was an admirer of Homer Lane, whose Children's Republic had been such an advocate for children's rights and for what one might call benevolent peerhood in working with children - or, alternatively, telling children your truth, taking responsibility for the benevolence of that "truth."
Lamb's edition of this classic brings out new information on the scope of Neill's views omitted by the Cold War edition of the 60s - while keeping - and adding to - Neill's treasured remarks about childhood. Lamb is a wonderful source, having been a pupil at Neill's school while Neill still ran it! Get this book! It will teach you about a lot more than just permissive education!

Exactly what Various other Purchaser claim?
Review of Summerhill
Summerhill is a good book for anyone that deals with children because the author gives several stories of expereince in dealing with kids. The Summerhill method of dealing with kids is based on psychology. The basic teaching philosophy of A.S. Neill is undeniably true: All people will respond to the most basic human emotion - love. If you give children love and acceptance, they will return it, if it is genuine.

This book would be good to use as a model for setting up a student government. How would student government be effective you ask? Neill states that students show amazing loyalty to their own democracy.

This book was easy to read and had plenty of stories to keep me interested. From time to time, the author would ramble on and get completely off the subject, which he admits that he does. However, this book is not for people who are easily offended by open-mindedness. Neill allows the students at his school to have a lot (A LOT) of freedom. Swearing, sexual...

A. S. Neill Rides Again!
The original publication by Harold Hart in 1960 of A. S. Neill's Summerhill turned out to be a totally unexpected bestseller. I don't know how many editions it went through before the original furore it had created finally died down with the passing of educational fashions away from "freedom" toward curriculum, testing, discipline and lots of homework as a prescription for educational success. I guess the turning point came in the mid-eighties, along with the demise of some of the numerous small educational experiments that had sprung up all over the country which (as Neill warns can easily happen) had misidentified "license" with true freedom - which involves learning responsibility.

With the current epidemic of school violence and the airing of information about the actual frequency of bullying - in the schoolyard and elsewhere - opinions wax hot over whether an authentic response ought to be to introduce more relaxed humanism toward students - or to tighten up...


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