Whats the big deal about lyme?
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I got this product about 5 days ago and am very delighted with the item. I had an Whats the big deal about lyme? and I would never ever purchase again. Up until now so good. Cannot be worse than the Whats the big deal about lyme? Likewise if you registered it on line you got an additional 2 months warranty.
Whats the big deal about lyme? Details
How long have you been sick, to the er, misdiagnosed, from one specialist to another? How many times have you held a sick child, sweating with fever, pale faced and limp, knowing in your heart that it just isn't right that he can't bear weight on his leg, or that his fingers hurt, that can't be just a virus. Have you been given a script for 3 weeks and been told to call if symptoms appear (symptoms? You think, feeling so very alone). When you finally go to a 'lyme literate doctor' and get the news that your child is positive for a tick-borne illness, do you connect the dots in his medical file, realizing signs had been there all along? Share the journey with a mother and her two children, afflicted with persistent lyme disease, as this book chronicles their daily struggles, grief, pain, comic and personal inspiration. You will understand the complexities of the disease, intricacies of supporting a loved one who becomes diagnosed and the politics surrounding appropriate care.
Whats the big deal about lyme? Features
If you are seeking a Whats the big deal about lyme?, so i highly recommended this product to you. I bought this product at a price that offers in United States.
Most Underlined Buyer Review : Bravo, finally someone writes about this disease and its effects it has on the person who suffers from it.
This is a much needed book, give this to your friends or someone who simply doesn't think Lyme disease is a big deal! IT IS A BIG DEAL. Hopefully more people will learn compassion and understanding for this "invisable disease".
What Various other Purchaser state?
MUST read if you have chronic illness...or think someone is crazy with chronic illness! :)
How long have you been sick, to the ER, misdiagnosed, from one specialist to another? How many times have you held a sick child, sweating with fever, pale faced and limp, knowing in your heart that it just isn't right that he can't bear weight on his leg, or that his fingers hurt, that can't be just a virus. Have you been given a script for 3 weeks and been told to call if symptoms appear (symptoms? you think, feeling so very alone). When you finally go to a `Lyme Literate Doctor' and get the news that your child is positive for a tick-borne illness, do you connect the dots in his medical file, realizing signs had been there all along? THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU. Already sick, but don't know how to get a loving family member to understand that you are NOT making it up? THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU TO PASS ALONG. Share the journey with a mother and her two children, afflicted with persistent Lyme disease, as this book chronicles the daily struggles, grief, pain, comic and celebrations of living a...
I Couldn't Put it Down
Although the book is made up of what looks like a series of blog entries, the story of a mom and two kids all with Lyme disease is a frank depiction of what living with this chronic illness is really like. The author is a first-rate writer and communicates her family's challenges and suffering in such a heart wrenching and captivating way, that I couldn't put the book down. I finished it in two days. My daughter has Lyme disease so for me a lot of it really hits home. The way new horrible painful symptoms come and go is so familiar and scary. I could also relate to how the different people in the author's life react to her illness, even the Infectious Disease Specialist, what a jerk! I could totally relate to that experience. Part of my fascination with this book was that it freaked me out that the author kept going camping! Also she lived in an area with ticks in her backyard!! Anyone who has experienced Lyme disease cringes at being near ticks, so that added to the drama...
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