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Healing and Preventing Autism: A Complete Guide

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Healing and Preventing Autism: A Complete Guide Description

The must-have New York Times bestseller that tells you what to do now for a child with autism, ADD, ADHD, OCD, and other disorders

For any child with challenges, early intervention is essential and parents need a plan that they can implement right away. Jenny McCarthy, one of the country's leading autism advocates, has teamed up with top autism specialist Jerry Kartzinel, M.D., to offer a prescriptive guide to the healing therapies and treatments that have turned the lives of so many children around. While autism cases have grown a whopping 6000 percent since the 1970s, the medical community is still waking up to the epidemic and parents need tools to begin healing their children and educating their doctors, instead of waiting six months to a year to get an appointment with a specialist. In this book, parents will learn about the following:

•The biomedical diet and supplement protocol

•Where to find alternative therapies and how to implement them

•A list of tests any doctor can perform

•Studies to show your doctor that will help make the case that they need to support your efforts

•Advice for preventing autism during pregnancy and the early years by looking at family history of allergies, depression, and autoimmune disorders as well as Mom's chemical exposure

Whether your child has autism, ADD, ADHD, OCD, or an autism spectrum disorder, Healing and Preventing Autism is the authoritative reference book with the tools to heal your child.

Healing and Preventing Autism: A Complete Guide Features

If you are trying to find a Healing and Preventing Autism: A Complete Guide, so i highly recommended this hot product to you. I bought this item at a price that offers in United States of America.

Healing and Preventing Autism: A Complete Guide even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : GREAT BOOK FOR TREATMENT!!
For those that wonder if this stuff is TRUE or junk science. ok, here is some FACT for you. My child was completely nonverbal from 13 months to 7 years old. At 18 months she got OT and speech therapy an hour a day 3 days a week until she was 5. Still NO words. ST and OT didn't help at all. I worked with her everyday after the therapist left for hours doing EVERYTHING I was showed and more. She stopped getting OT and speech at 5 because of funding. Still having low functioning autism at seven years old and not being able to afford other therapies I decided to try the GF/CF diet w/ a full spectrum enzyme, magnesium w/ Vitamin D, codliver oil, Calcium, GABA and B6 etc and in 4 YES I SAID 4 and ONLY 4 months she went from NO WORDS to 50 well understood words with NO speech, OT or ABA at all. We continued this adding more supplements/ vitamins and now at nine she is speaking in long sentences, answers and asks who, what, when and where questions and has a HUGE vocabulary of wow...

Listen to The Reviews from Various other Buyers
Jenny McCarthy is really starting to bug me....
And it's not so much her books, which have all been quite readable, if rather general and not particularly accurate, so much as the "before me there was nothing" attitude which the publishers blurb on this book exemplifies.

The blurb for this book states - "Jenny McCarthy--whose bestselling books Louder Than Words and Mother Warriors told the stories of healing children with autism--teams up with a preeminent autism doctor to write the first book on a remarkably effective treatment."

OK, so what's this FIRST BOOK NONSENSE. This book was published fairly recently. So what about these books then? Is McCarthy suggesting these are not relevant, or is she just unaware... or is it her marketing department at work. Either way, it's annoying and egocentric. Other authors in this field are more than willing to share credit and acknowledgements of others work in the field. All of the below in fact...

Hopeless to hopeful
I am a family nurser practitioner trained in traditional medicine. A few months ago I came to the excruciating realization that my son, 3 1/2, had autism spectrum disorder. My first inclination was to learn everything I could about ASD. I recalled Jenny McCarthy working with autism awareness a few years ago, but it was Jenny McCarthey, not a pediatrician. I spent hours searching through articles in well-renowned medical journals. They were all the same - the signs, how to diagnose, early treatment (referral to speech therapy and applied behavior therapy.) Yet, only 15% of autistic people will ever live independently. Every hope and dream I ever had for my precious son was ripped from me. This is what every parent will tell you.

Then, I typed the name "Jenny McCarthy" into a Google search. God Bless You, Jenny McCarthy. I ordered her 3 books, read them all in a weekend and unlike my medical journals, I was given hope. Started GF/CF diet 2 weeks later. Within days,...


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