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Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar, and Survival

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I will provide interesting details for you, you can obtain a Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar, and Survival at a very inexpensive cost specifically for Present. But before you continue reading through, please see testimonials concerning Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar, and Survival listed below

Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar, and Survival Explanation

When it comes to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and depression, everything you believe is a lie.

Lights Out

With research gleaned from the National Institutes of Health, T.S. Wiley and Bent Formby deliver staggering findings: Americans really are sick from being tired. Diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and depression are rising in our population. We're literally dying for a good night's sleep.

Our lifestyle wasn't always this way. It began with the invention of the lightbulb.

When we don't get enough sleep in sync with seasonal light exposure, we fundamentally alter a balance of nature that has been programmed into our physiology since Day One. This delicate biological rhythm rules the hormones and neurotransmitters that determine appetite, fertility, and mental and physical health. When we rely on artificial light to extend our day until 11 PM, midnight, and beyond, we fool our bodies into living in a perpetual state of summer. Anticipating the scarce food supply and forced inactivity of winter, our bodies begin storing fat and slowing metabolism to sustain us through the months of hibernation and hunger that never arrive.

Our own survival instinct, honed over millennia, is now killing us.

Wiley and Formby also reveal:

  • That studies from our own government research prove the role of sleeplessness in diabetes, heart disease, cancer, infertility, mental illness, and premature aging;
  • Why the carbohydrate-rich diets recommended by many health professionals are not only ridiculously ineffective but deadly;
  • Why the lifesaving information that can turn things around is one of the best-kept secrets of our day.

Lights Out is one wake-up call none of us can afford to miss.

Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar, and Survival Features

If you are looking for a Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar, and Survival, so i highly suggested this hot item to you. I bought this hot product at a price that offers in U.S.A.

Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar, and Survival even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Important Information, yet terribly written
I have to agree exactly with Leslie of Texas' review below.

The basic information and premise of the book - that staying up late decreases production of melatonin in our bodies, and messes up our hormone system's balance in other ways as well - is potentially crucial to our health. That is why I give this book 4 stars, despite the terrible writing.

The author has a writing style that I believe comes from not really understanding much of what she is writing - I was particularly struck by the sentence in the Acknowledgements thanking her daughter for spending "countless hours explaining physics, chemistry and math to her old mom". This was a surprising admission, considering that a good portion of the book attempts to lecture the reader about a variety of unrelated topics that are not really understood by the author (or any other pop science writers) - including chaos theory and many other recent areas of scientific thought, taken wildly out of context.

The important...

Pay attention to The Reviews from Other Purchasers
"Lights out" presents many interesting ideas, but....
As many other readers have reported, the editing in this book is just simply awful. There's the mention of an appendix that doesn't exist, the lack of footnotes, mispellings...and then there's that little side trip into paranoia and conspiracy theory in the very last chapter that had me wondering just what kind of kooks these people were! As far as the editorial errors go, well, I'll just assume that was the publisher's fault, but the rest?

But the truth is, I do believe they're onto something. I've successfully incorporated many of their suggestions into my own lifestyle after long years of low-fat, high carb eating. And although I do try, at this point in my life its VERY difficult for me to get nine hours of uninterrupted pitch-dark sleep from September to April.

I bought and read this book shortly after it came out earlier this year. I've tried a number of times to find out anything else about these authors, but have come up with almost nothing. While a fair number of people...

Tortuous reading!
Lights Out had the potential to be a great book.

I agree with the main point of the book that it's healthier NOT to stay up late with artificial lights, TV, and the internet. I also agree that the healthiest diet is a diet low in carbohydrates (and especially low in sugar) with generous quantities of animal proteins and fats. I like the advice to go to sleep after the sun sets and to seal all light out of the bedroom. It's great that someone is exploring the topic of humans sleeping out of synch with the natural night.

BUT I have to say that T.S. Wiley is one of the worst writers I've ever read, not to mention that she's a total crackpot nut case. The writing is completely disorganized, contradictory, and sensationalist with lots of black and white thinking and lots of false information.

Why couldn't she have just stuck to the very important information about sleep, light, and carbohydrates and skipped all of her nutty, self-indulgent, provincial...


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