Orthomolecular Treatment for Schizophrenia
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Orthomolecular Treatment for Schizophrenia Details
Orthomolecular medicine can be effective in the treatment of schizophrenia, a mental disorder often treated with drugs. Deficiency often plays a major role in the onset of this condition. Thus, nutritional supplementation is integral to Dr. Hoffers approach to schizophrenia. This short, concise guide explains how the disorder is diagnosed, what causes it and how to effectively treat it without drugs.
Orthomolecular Treatment for Schizophrenia Features
If you are seeking a Orthomolecular Treatment for Schizophrenia, so i high suggested this hot product to you. I bought this hot item at a price that offers in United States.
Most Underlined Buyer Review : recovery for schizophrenics
This was the first and only encouraging book of the many books I read when my son was diagnosed with schizophrenia. It was a simple little booklet, but it immediately gave me hope. All the "mainstream" psychiatrists we consulted said that my son would just have to learn to live with his condition, psychiatric drugs to the point of stupor and hospitalizations. WRONG! This is a great introduction to Dr. Abram Hoffer's work. He has been successfully treating mental illnesses and even ADD, OCD, etc. with a nutritional and vitamin approach since the mid-1960's. Because of this booklet we were actually inspired to fly all the way to Victoria, Canada to see Dr. Hoffer. We're so glad we did. Dr. Hoffer brought my son back to the point where he is now working every day, perfectly lucid and intelligent and will be resuming his interrupted education this fall. Read ALL of Dr. Hoffer's books. Each one has exceedingly valuable information for everyone, not just those with mental illness...
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A more balanced review
Dr. Hoffer is a brilliant and extensively published author in both journals and books. His writing is very clear and he doesn't hide complexities. This book is no exception. My only complaint is that his writing does not divide topics very well for easy digestion. His mind is full of facts, and he types what he thinks.
The primary orthomolecular approach to schizophrenia is niacin or niacinamide (vitamin B3) in > 2 g/d doeses. In double-blind trials, 3 grams of niacin daily resulted in a doubling in recovery rate and a 50% reduction in hospitalization. Later double-blind trials did not reproduce the positive results, but Hoffer contends these trials were poorly designed. Subsequent research has been too meager to quote.
There are several complexities to niacin therapy. It must be at least 3,000 mg per day in divided doses. It must not be "time release" forms made by pharmaceutical companies that are dangerous and the root cause of the irrational fears of...
Hoffer's Successful Therapy for Schizophrenia using Niacin
The fundamental bias in both medicine and dietetics rises darkly from the swamp when you even hint of a therapeutic validity for megavitamin doses. Why such resistance to such a useful nutritional tool? Perhaps because niacin therapy is really, really cheap?
Fortunately there are physicians like Dr. Hoffer who still look to the patient, and not the test tube, for their answers. A patient's therapeutic response is the highest of all guiding principles in medicine. If it works, do it.
"Pellagra" is the classic niacin deficiency disease. It was once common in the rural South where the poor had little else to eat except tryptophan-poor foods like milled corn. The symptoms are the "Three D's": diarrhea, dermatitis, and dementia. More specific pellagra symptoms include weakness, anorexia, lassitude, indigestion, skin eruptions, skin scaling, neuritis, nervous system destruction, confusion, apathy, disorientation, and insanity.
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