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The Doctor's Guide To Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Understanding, Treating, And Living With Cfids

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The Doctor's Guide To Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Understanding, Treating, And Living With Cfids Description

Written by one of the world’s leading experts in Chronic Fatigue/Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS), this book is the most authoritative guide to a devastating illness that affects millions of people. Misunderstood by both the public and the medical community, CFIDS has been subject to rumors and misinformation, making it next to impossible to determine what the facts are. David S. Bell, M.D., a noted expert and pioneer in the diagnosis and treatment of CFIDS, has written this book to provide accurate, up-to-date, and accessible information for all those who need to understand this emerging health epidemic. This definitive guide to the history, symptoms, effects, theories, treatment, continuing research, and recent advances covers all that anyone who has been touched by this devastating illness needs to know to understand, treat, and live with it. Furthermore, this book details the tremendous strides that are being made in the search for the cause and the cure for CFIDS, and provides sufferers with the latest information on what they can do to best treat the symptoms they suffer from. For many of the victims of CFIDS, there are often more questions than answers. Here at last are the facts from the acknowledged expert.

The Doctor's Guide To Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Understanding, Treating, And Living With Cfids Features

  • ISBN13: 9780201407976
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!

If you are seeking a The Doctor's Guide To Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Understanding, Treating, And Living With Cfids, so i high advised this hot item to you. I bought this item at a price that offers in United States.

The Doctor's Guide To Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Understanding, Treating, And Living With Cfids even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Brilliant and humane
A marvelous, humane, comprehensive look at the mysteries of chronic fatigue syndrome. Dr. Bell, perhaps the best medical writer I have ever encountered, takes on an immensely complex subject and sets forth in clear and concise terms what is known about CFS, what still isn't, what theories and treatments have been rejected and what theories and treatments are still under exploration, and where he thinks the future is headed. Most importantly, Dr. Bell clearly and decisively rejects the misguided notions that this disease is somehow the product of malingering or just a fancy word for depression, and offers encouragment to those who suffer not only from the disease but from the frustration of not being understood by their families or their physicians. I cannot recommend it highly enough for anyone with an interest in CFS.

Hear The Reviews from Various other Buyers
Buy two copies of this book: one for you and one for your doctor.

Dr. Bell repeatedly makes the point that if the symptoms "don't make sense" it's because the doctor doesn't recognize what he's seeing, and not because the patient is imagining things.

He tells you (and your doctor) how to differentiate between CFS and look-alikes, such as depression, and goes into great detail about what *subtle* things the doctor should be looking for in a physical exam, things that might otherwise be overlooked because they're almost normal.

I've been quoting from this book since it was written, and expect to still be quoting from it (and using it to bash recalcitrant doctors over the head!) for another 20 years.

Fabulous book! I learned so much!
This book is great and I would recommend it to anyone with CFIDS or anyone who cares about someone with CFIDS. Great background on the upstate NY epidemic of CFIDS and info about the latest treatments. A must read!!


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