Ten Commitments to Be Forever Fit Best Deal

Ten Commitments to Be Forever Fit

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I will certainly provide fascinating info for you, you can obtain a Ten Commitments to Be Forever Fit at a extremely cheap cost especially for Now. However before you continue reviewing, please see reviews concerning Ten Commitments to Be Forever Fit below

Ten Commitments to Be Forever Fit Description

TEN COMMITMENTS TO BE FOREVER FIT takes a holistic approach to weight loss and health that begins by focusing on the inner you. Machiel N. Kennedy invites you to see yourself as a whole person - physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, and to make an inner commitment to health and well being. Take charge of your life: set reasonable goals, stay motivated, be accountable for your actions, eat healthy foods in moderation, get plenty of physical activity and exercise, avoid junk food, attend to your spiritual growth, get enough sleep, breathe deeply, relax, have fun, and stay true to your goal to be forever fit.Although the basic concepts in TEN COMMITMENTS TO BE FOREVER FIT may be similar to those offered by other weight-loss experts, Dr. Kennedy's message is significant in that he does not simply recommend going on a diet. This is not a quick weight-loss scheme, but rather a sensible lifelong plan for well being. Using this book as a guide, Dr. Kennedy offers the opportunity for change in every area of life

Ten Commitments to Be Forever Fit Features

If you are looking for a Ten Commitments to Be Forever Fit, so i high recommended this hot product to you. I bought this product at a price that offers in U.S.A.

Ten Commitments to Be Forever Fit even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : A Strategy for Lifetime Fitness
Dr. Kennedy's premise for this book is summed up in his words: "What people can do and what they will do are totally different. The goal of this book is to bring the can and the will together." He then goes on to explore ten separate commitments to help strengthen the "will" of the reader.

This is not a quick weight lose diet plan but is a life long plan for well being. It is a holistic approach and involves the whole person: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

Personal commitments to goal setting, to motivation, to making wise food choices, to physical fitness, to mental fitness, and to accountability are the first steps in your journey to "Forever Fitness." Kennedy goes on to stress the importance of creating a life enhancing environment, of relaxation, of being a spiritual person, and of maintaining your successes.

I personally enjoyed Dr. Kennedy's easy to read conversational style. His subtle humor reinforced the importance of...

Other Purchaser Pointing out

It's never to early or late to start taking charge of your life.
Reviewed by Debra Gaynor for Reader Views (12/06)

If you are looking for a fast weight loss book, keep looking. This book is about more than losing weight. It's about a healthier you. You have the power to take control of your health, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Dr. Kennedy suggests you take charge and be accountable to yourself for your health including your weight. He suggests you make ten commitments to yourself.

Dr. Kennedy's suggestions are to commit to: goal setting; motivation, physical fitness, mental fitness, accountability, life-enhancing and forever-fit environment, relaxation and fun, spiritual growth, and maintenance. The advice offered in this book is common sense. Unfortunately some of us do not practice common sense.

The goals we set for ourselves need to be positive, precise, personal, current and possible. If we set these types of goals and stick with them we will be successful. Many times we set goals that are...


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