The Horse Nutrition Bible: The Comprehensive Guide to the Feeding of Your Horse
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We just purchased this The Horse Nutrition Bible: The Comprehensive Guide to the Feeding of Your Horse, using the discount and the cost-free shipping after checking out a few of the prior reviews prior to purchasing the product. So far so good. I am absolutely in love with this product from David & Charles, Made it the finest price on the web when we purchased it initially of this month.
The Horse Nutrition Bible: The Comprehensive Guide to the Feeding of Your Horse Details
The Horse Nutrition Bible makes choosing the correct diet easy with simple advice on how to assess a horse's nutritional needs by considering his living conditions, age, health and the demands placed on him by his owner. Information on all the forages, mixes, cubes and supplements is easy to find, and more importantly is linked to advice on the value or otherwise they will add to your horse's diet. Guidance on different climates, regions as well as how to correctly store food all help to provide a comprehensive survey of equine feeding needs. In addition a whole section is dedicated to indispensable problem solving advice. This is further explored with what to do in diet related illness, such as colic, choke or azoturia. Expert Ruth Bishop knows that feeding horses isn't about studying the science of nutrition, it's about developing an understanding of the ingredients of your horse's diet, and confidence in what will and what won't work for the horse or horses in your care. Above all there is nothing is more pleasurable than the sound of contented munching coming from the stable.
The Horse Nutrition Bible: The Comprehensive Guide to the Feeding of Your Horse Features
If you are seeking a The Horse Nutrition Bible: The Comprehensive Guide to the Feeding of Your Horse, so i highly recommended this product to you. I bought this item at a price that offers in USA.
Most Underlined Buyer Review : good, but not worth paying full price for
This is not a bad book, and if you have never really thought about what to feed your horse(s) it's a reasonable place to start, but I do have some issues w/ this book: 1.) while it does distinguish between different types of feed (i.e. hay, straight hard feed, etc.) it doesn't help you determine a feeding program beyond basic common sense (don't feed 'hot' horses lots of grain, offer lots of good pasture or hay, always have water available), and 2.) it does not tell you how to evaluate premade grain mixes, supplements, etc. to determine quality other than "buy from a reputable source".
As I said it's a great book if you're just getting into equine nutrition, and there are some truly helpful parts of the book like a chart explaining what is considered "light", "moderate", and "heavy" work for horses, which is great because when you're looking at a feed bag trying to figure out what they mean by those terms it can be confusing! it was also refreshing to see that someone that...
Other Purchaser Pointing out
the horse nutrition bible, great keeper book and reference guide
wonderful guide and technical info book. a real keeper and must have.
more than 5 stars, shirl
A comprehensive guide to horse nutrition
The Horse Nutrition Bible is a comprehensive guide to horse nutrition and explores all the options involved in assessing a horse's nutritional needs and feeding it right, from chapters discussing introductory principles of feeding to the foundations of a horse's diet and the basic principles of feeding tactics and methods. Horse owners will want to keep The Horse Nutrition Bible on their reference shelf!
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