Keys to Healing and Self-Mastery according to the Hathors Best Price

Keys to Healing and Self-Mastery according to the Hathors

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Keys to Healing and Self-Mastery according to the Hathors Explanation

A Guide for Emotional and Self-Mastery, Healing and Stress Management The goal of the fourth book Keys to Healing and Self-Mastery according to the Hathors, a supplementary book to Holographic Sound Healing taught at the Meditation and Qigong Mastery book, and the Omkabah Heart Lightbody Activation video, is to build the Ka and offer readers an effective Hathor's emotional mastery technique to manage emotional stress, the main cause of disease, in their daily lives and spiritually awaken when emotional stress is cleared, released and stabilized. Doing this practice will provide a fast, safe way to stabilize your chaotic emotions such anger or fear. Holographic Sound Healing with the Four Sacred Elements is integrated with Ka(Merkaba) Meditation to complement Holographic Lightbody activation, and build the Sahhu or immortal golden lightbody. Dr. Johanna Budwig's Diet for Cancer and Chronic Diseases and Sun gazing are included as adjunct keys to healing.

In summary, the four books Meditation and Qigong Mastery, Return to Oneness with the Tao, Return to Oneness with Spirit, and Keys to Healing and Self-Mastery according to the Hathors form a four-sided basic pyramid foundation, so to speak, of dietary and energy-based psychoneuroimmunolgy or neuroimmunomodulation strategies to effectively heal substance abuse and chronic diseases mainly caused by emotional stress, diet that is high in trans-fatty acids and low in Essential Fatty Acids, and unhealthy lifestyle. These strategies bring the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of a person into homeostasis, and at the same time spiritually awaken a person in the process of being in the flow because the individual being is one with universal being.

Keys to Healing and Self-Mastery according to the Hathors Features

If you are seeking a Keys to Healing and Self-Mastery according to the Hathors, so i high recommended this hot item to you. I bought this product at a price that offers in USA.

Keys to Healing and Self-Mastery according to the Hathors even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Keys to Healing The Hathor Way
The wisdom and healing techniques of many ancient civilizations are as pertinent today as they ever were in the past. In the fascinating and informative Keys to Healing and Self-Mastery according to the Hathors, the fourth book in a series by Ricardo B. Serrano, he has gathered and compiled many healing techniques that can be put into practice by anyone. The practices, diet regimen, and philosophies detailed in the book can help improve one's health, and are useful at managing the daily stress everyone experiences in their lives.

Who were/are the Hathors? There was a goddess of Egypt called Hathor, but the Hathors mentioned in the chapter "Who the Hathors are & Why They Have Come" are aliens from the Sirius galaxy: "We originally came from another universe by way of Sirius which is a portal to your Universe, and from Sirius we eventually proceeded to your solar system and the etheric realms of Venus." Whether or not you might believe in the existence of aliens, or think...

What Other Purchaser say?
Hmmm... Partially from Hathors
I have previously enjoyed reading "The Hathor Material" from Tom Kenyon and Virginia Essene, and was looking for "more" from that source. So I ordered this book based on its title and description here.

I can see that the author has put much care and attention to compiling and presenting valuable information in this book... And I think it is important to note:

Some of this book includes selected excerpts from the Tom Kenyon book just mentioned, and those excerpts are interspersed between thoughts and discourse from the author, quoted bits from the Shiva Sutra, Upanishads, other notable teachers such as Master Mantak Chia, Drunvalo Melchezidek, various holistic doctors, the Budwig Cancer Protocol, info from other authors on vibrational medicine, sound healing, quartz singing bowls, crystals, Egyptian hymns to the sun, sun yoga, Taoist astral healing hypnosis, and more.

While I believe these sources all have valuable contributions to offer, and the...

Difficult read
He gives background on the Hathors and various healing methods with details on their background studies/research plus information on how to assess some of these. One needs to be really able to possess all this information.


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