Omega Six: The Devils Fat - A Message of Dietary Hope
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Omega Six: The Devils Fat - A Message of Dietary Hope Details
The Devils Fat is a book everybody should read. The Omega Three and Six essential fatty acids families, (EFAs), are particularly fundamental to female health. Omega 6 is the sibling of Omega 3. If Omega 3 is the mistress, Omega 6 is the master. Omega 6 arguably links us to the fertility of the environment. The impact of EFAs on health, body structure, and function are little understood by the general public. Omega 3 and 6 alter behaviour. This book looks at pressing issues in society from an Omega 3 and 6 viewpoint including the impact of excess Omega 6 on health costs, for individuals and nations, in a competitive world. Issues examined include; western inflammatory conditions, such as ADHD, asthma, arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, and neurological disorders like dementia and Alzheimer's, as well as fertility, early puberty, obesity, sleep quality, gender identity, alcohol consumption, and behavioral trends such as aggression, self harm, suicide, and criminality. The book tries to be both understandable to the general public, and sufficiently authoritative to interest a doctor. Well over 800 references are made to trials and reports. There is no other book in the mainstream market that examines the importance of Omega 3 and 6 in human health, in such detail or breadth. A female librarian said the book was fascinating and difficult to put down. Another female reader said the central message was very clear, and was applied to everyday issues of interest. Robert Brown is a lay person. Robert had to understand the subject matter from scratch. He takes the reader on his search to understand the why EFAs are so important to health. The book contains a wealth of information. It is split into small indexed topic sections for browsing. There are no commercial links. Excess Omega 6 has more profound and wide spread impact than smoking. It is insidious. Most of us have no idea that excess Omega 6 is anything but good for us - we are told eat more polyunsaturates. Vegetable oils can contain 70% Omega 6 and no Omega 3. The influence of excess Omega 6 is from conception to grave. The neatest of twists is that you are programmed to store Omega 6 in your body fat. Why the Devils Fat? The Devil is traditionally linked with the number 666. Omega Six 18:2 n6 has lots of links with 6s. It is eighteen carbon atoms long, and the 1st. double bond is at the 6th carbon. Excess Omega 6 promotes the seven deadly sins, lust, gluttony, greed, wrath, envy, pride, and sloth. Trials show excess Omega 6 and lack of 3 increases male behavioural traits like aggression, impulsiveness, self interest, and less cooperative behaviour. At the same time 6 reduces female traits. Omega 6 increases risks of western illnesses. If the Devil (real or construct I leave to you) had wanted to promote the seven deadly sins, he or she could not have found a better way. Omega 6 in excess allows us to turn ourselves into dumber, sicker, more aggressive, impulsive, selfish, humans, which arguably is not the best mix for a long term sustained future, on an increasingly crowded planet. Excess Omega 6 sets the body into a permanent low level inflammatory state. The body is put on constant alert. In time, incomplete sleep, permanent stress, and excess inflammatory Omega 6 chemicals, with a lack of Omega 3, lead to greater risk of the western inflammatory conditions. A lack of Omega 3 and excess of Omega 6 is arguably a core explanation for growing rates of western conditions. The book explains why. Omega 3 and 6 cannot be compared to ginseng or green tea. Omega 3 and 6 were in the earliest design or evolutionary specifications list, and feature in many of the body processes, and most of the structures. Omega 3 helps define women. Women make 10 times more long chain Omega 3 DHA, than men. Omega 3 the mistress, moderates, calms and controls the master Omega 6. Without a balance of both the Omega 3 and 6 fats there is no harmony.
Omega Six: The Devils Fat - A Message of Dietary Hope Features
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Most Underlined Buyer Review : Putting Together the Peices
Robert Brown is a 'big picture' thinker. He takes hundreds of scientific studies on the essential fatty acids (omega 3 and 6) and tries to put them into a logical framework that explains their effect on human health. What emerges is the hypothesis that omega-3 and 6 fats are fundamental controllers of many bodily processes, which we evolved to respond to as a signal of environmental conditions. Having looked at some of the same literature myself, I think he's right, at least on the first count, and possibly on the second as well.
The book is a mix of fact and informed speculation. There is a lot of both, which I believe is what the author intended. He is clear that his ideas are not all proven, but they are nevertheless thought-provoking and generally consistent with the evidence. Omega-3 and -6 fats are the precursors of a huge family of signaling molecules called the eicosanoids. The amounts of omega-3 and -6 in the diet determine in part the amounts of different...
Look at Various other Buyer Review
If you take aspirin read this review
Vegetable oils are the leading cause of the current dismal health of Americans. These oils, which are prevalent in just about every food you eat, break down in your body into a myriad of inflammatory and blood-thickening compounds which wreck your health. Every time you take aspirin all you are doing is trying to stop the damage done by these Omega-6 compounds. Read this book, follow its advice and get healthy. G G Pique (I wrote the last book on this subject 20 years ago)
Unorganized, repetitive, impertinent and poorly written.
Being the critical reader that I am, I bought this book under the allure that it contained over 800 references. I was expecting something that was easy to read, well formatted and presented cogent arguments. What I actually got was a deplorably haphazard book, that consistently reviewed the same topics (I think aggression was talked about 6 times in 6 different places...), did not adhere to the subject (started talking about all sorts of other dietary factors out of thin air), and vacillated between a formal and informal writing style that was painful to keep up with. Furthermore, there are bolded/italicized paragraphs stuck right in the middle of pages that have nothing to do with the topic being spoken about, or just reiterate what you just read in nearly the same wording. Not to mention downright ridiculous statements such as postulating a link between n-6 intake to world conflicts (pg.15). I was also disappointed to see the virtual absence of discussion about calories in the...

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