Child Health Guide: Holistic Pediatrics for Parents
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I did have some issues after reading some of the previous reviews prior to buying the unit. After utilizing the unit now for time I can say I have actually had no concerns and the unit has carried out flawless. We just purchased this Child Health Guide: Holistic Pediatrics for Parents, making use of the price cut and the free shipping. Made it the very best price on the web when we bought it first of this month.
Child Health Guide: Holistic Pediatrics for Parents Description
The number of children taking prescription drugs for every type of ailment has reached epidemic proportions. Child Health Guide offers sensible alternatives to this disturbing trend, providing the information parents need to make informed decisions about natural healing for their children and the integration of natural treatments into their children's medical care. The book covers the prenatal period through infancy, toddlerhood, and into middle childhood, with emphasis on extended breastfeeding, co-sleeping, a natural foods diet, avoidance of toxic chemicals, limited use of vaccines, and treatment of health problems with homeopathic medicines and herbs. Child Health Guide respects parents' choices while providing persuasive arguments for building a healthy immune system by avoiding conventional drugs and stressing natural methods. Using an educational and informative tone, the book discusses preventive medicine, the causes of poor health in children, and common foods and chemical exposures that can contribute to chronic illness. It also provides nutritional interventions that strengthen immunity and promote healing.
Child Health Guide: Holistic Pediatrics for Parents Features
If you are searching for a Child Health Guide: Holistic Pediatrics for Parents, so i highly recommended this hot product to you. I bought this hot product at a price that offers in United States of America.
Most Underlined Buyer Review : One of the ONLY TWO children's health books you need
If you're someone who finds yourself inexorably drawn to living the healthy life and want the best for your child's health, you should consider buying this book. It's the most concise, accurate treatise I've seen on the subject of children's health. In fact, I intend to buy 10 copies and give them out to friends and relatives as they have kids!
Dr. Neustaedter not only covers traditional subjects like coughs, colds, ear infections, and supplements, but he also broadens the net to include assessments of water filters, safe crib mattresses to reduce SIDS, breastfeeding how-tos, Vitamin K shots at birth, etc. This is but a sampling of what's included! I would highly recommend this book to anyone considering getting pregnant (since the subject matter covers conception to pre-teen health).
What's taken 80% of my leisure time in the last 4 years to investigate on my own, he's drawn together in one handy book for you. Wish he'd published this 4 years ago :-)...
Exactly what Various other Purchaser claim?
If Children Came With A Care-Manual -- This Would Be It!!
The Child Health Guide is hands down the best, holistic book on pregnancy & parenting that I have found yet. I'm still learning stuff that I didn't know -- stuff that helps with my 15 year old!!
The author holds a degree in Oriental Medicine and focuses on scientific information to teach you to make healthier choices for you and your family.
Here's a sampling: Plastic Toys and Phthalates; Environmental Toxins In The Home; Chemicals To Avoid In Shampoo; Why Avoid Soy?; Which Sweeteners Are (Relatively) Safe & Sweeteners To Avoid; DHA Supplementation, Cod Liver Oil Nutrient Content, Fats For Children, etc.; The Most Important Foods To Avoid; Principles Of Holistic Pediatrics For Parents; Vaccines -- Making An Informed Choice.
There is an entire section that focuses on managing acute illness, treatment at home & when to seek outside help.
There is so much more. This IS the book to get for someone looking to get pregnant and raise healthy...
Not great if you have a toddler
This book has RAVE reviews and I hesitate to write a slightly negative one, but here goes. I have an 18-month old. I have been in search for a holistic pediatrician in our area with no luck. After reading these reviews I thought for sure I had found a solution to my problems: A book that would give me some information on how to treat symptoms holistically. My son has had so many ear infections and I hestitate to give him antibiotics for each one, altho our current pediatrician deemed it a necessary evil. I was hoping to find other types of remedies. Same with teething. Same with other things.
As a mother of a toddler, I found no help in a book that dealt more specifically with newborns and the first 6 months of child care. There is a tiny tiny section on Toddlers. That's it. And that section was not very helpful.
In addition, most of the information is stuff I have already heard and read in other books. If you are new to holistic child rearing, then perhaps this...
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