Discount Performance without Pain: A Step-by-Step Nutritional Program for Healing Pain, Inflammation and Chronic Ailments in Musicians, Athletes, Dancers. . . and Everyone Else

Performance without Pain: A Step-by-Step Nutritional Program for Healing Pain, Inflammation and Chronic Ailments in Musicians, Athletes, Dancers. . . and Everyone Else

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Performance without Pain: A Step-by-Step Nutritional Program for Healing Pain, Inflammation and Chronic Ailments in Musicians, Athletes, Dancers. . . and Everyone Else Description

Performance without Pain details the author's recovery from chronic pain and inflammation and provides a practical, step-by-step dietary plan for musicians, athletes, dancers, those engaged in repetitive motion and anyone else suffering from this debilitating modern condition.

Performance without Pain: A Step-by-Step Nutritional Program for Healing Pain, Inflammation and Chronic Ailments in Musicians, Athletes, Dancers. . . and Everyone Else Features

If you are seeking a Performance without Pain: A Step-by-Step Nutritional Program for Healing Pain, Inflammation and Chronic Ailments in Musicians, Athletes, Dancers. . . and Everyone Else, so i high suggested this hot product to you. I bought this hot product at a price that offers in United States of America.

Performance without Pain: A Step-by-Step Nutritional Program for Healing Pain, Inflammation and Chronic Ailments in Musicians, Athletes, Dancers. . . and Everyone Else even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : A must-have for performers and others
This is a great new addition to the Weston A, Price/Nourishing Traditions literature. "Performance Without Pain: A Step-by-Step Program for Healing Pain, Inflammation and Chronic Ailments in Musicians, Athletes, Dancers...and Everyone Else" is a long title for a book that is a modest 132 pages, but it lives up to its billing. The author is Kathryn Pirtle, who is a clarinetist with the respected Orion Ensemble, and has a long list of professional credits. Co-authors of the book are Sally Fallon, President of the Weston A. Price Foundation and Dr. John D. Turner, DC, CCSP, DIBCN and former National Qualifying Gymnast.

The author tells her story of increasing pain and physical disability related to her profession as a musician, and her search for answers. As her very successful musical career unfolds, she develops pain in many areas of her body, stiffness, nausea and other digestive disturbances, as well as something called "embouchure shaking" (shaking in the area of the...

Other Buyer Stating
Must-Read for Musculoskeletal Problems Says Physical Therapist
This book is a life saver! Two weeks after beginning Ms. Pyrtle's food plan, my debilitating, chronic knee pain improved 80%. Today I am pain free and in the best shape of my life.

As a physical therapist, I had tried everything I knew: physical therapy, osteopathy, homeopathy, prolotherapy, supplementation, anti-inflammatories, etc. A doctor suspected rheumatoid arthritis because of all the inflammation in the joint. RA - no; inflammation - yes.

It's no secret that many of today's chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, stroke, some cancers, diabetes, Alzheimer's and asthma have been linked to systemic inflammation, and musculoskeletal pain is no exception.

While not every element of a program may fit everybody, the premise of this program is unquestionably sound and the advice excellent. Musculoskeletal pain and systemic inflammation are by-products of our vitamin D deficient society. Ms. Pyrtle's plan outlines a program rich in vitamin D...

Great survival story for anyone in pain and everyone wanting to be pain-free
Performance Without Pain is a remarkable book about surviving prevailing medical "wisdoms", dogmas, and devastating ailments caused not by bad genes or bad lack, but by foods which are, amazingly, considered "wholesome" and "healthy".

If you are a concerned parent, promising professional, aspiring artist, successful executive, or simply a health-conscious and responsible individual, you must read this book to assure yourself and your children productive and disease-free future.

Unlike most books about health and nutrition, Performance Without Pain is beautifully written and edited, concise, honest, and up-to-the point. And it is also inspirational: if the author had been able to overcome her career-breaking illnesses with, literally, a right menu, so can you!

At the end, it all boils down to this: food can kill and food will heal. Kathy Pirtle had suffered a great deal to tell which food does what. Get to know her story, so you too can eat without...


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