I ate my back BACK to HEALTH..So Can You: How I ate my way through a Brain Tumor
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I ate my back BACK to HEALTH..So Can You: How I ate my way through a Brain Tumor Details
"The author's ability to leap over complicated jargon and reduce complex theories to simple practical health principles that the least among us can understand is amazing. This book will possibly become a classic in this and the next generation." Dr. Myles E. Munroe (BFM INTL.) And God Said, Behold, I Have Given You Every Herb Bearing Seed Which Is Upon The Face Of All The Earth And Every Tree In Which Is The Fruit Of A Tree Yielding Seed, To You It Shall Be As Food."
I ate my back BACK to HEALTH..So Can You: How I ate my way through a Brain Tumor Features
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Most Underlined Buyer Review : I ate my way back to Health
Hey !Jamie. I love this book. This is my second time reading it. This book for me is godsend.with my battle with cancer your book keep me focus on eating right. each time I find myself drifting to junk food this book is my reminder the power of food,over life THANKS.
What Other Purchaser state?
Rx to "whole health"
As a medical practitioner, also interested in holistic medicine, I found that the author did an awesome job in demonstrating what a "whole man" approach to health can look like and be successful. His journey was spellbinding from the first chapter to the last, intertwining the human and the Divine: what to feed the body for maximum health; sincere soul searching; and faith 101 or how to "stick and stay".
Thank you, Mr Brown for allowing us to experience life lessons learned, and through sharing this knowledge, how we can improve our own health. Buy it!!!
Learning about life
Good to know there are alternative ways of medicine. Thank you Jamie for sharing your experience with us and to help people in same circunstances. Thanks.
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