Special Discount The Omega-3 Connection: The Groundbreaking Anti-depression Diet and Brain Program

The Omega-3 Connection: The Groundbreaking Anti-depression Diet and Brain Program

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The Omega-3 Connection: The Groundbreaking Anti-depression Diet and Brain Program Explanation

For years scientists have searched for a "magic bullet" to relieve the pain of depression and other mood disorders -- safe enough for nursing mothers, children with ADHD, and the elderly, without the side effects associated with medicines like Prozac, Zoloft, and lithium. Now the search may finally be over, thanks to the Omega-3 Renewal Plan, introduced here by Andrew L. Stoll, M.D., Director of the Psycho-pharmacology Research Laboratory at Harvard's McLean Hospital.

In his groundbreaking research, Stoll found that omega-3 fatty acids, already known for their importance in preventing heart disease, Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer, play a crucial role in mental health -- regulating and en-hancing mood, sharpening memory, and even aiding concentration and learning. And these remarkable substances, so essential to our health, are found abundantly in common fish oils and other sources.

The bad news is that even though omega-3 fatty acids have played a critical role in our evolutionary past, these extraordinary substances have been depleted by our Western diet and lifestyle, and the resulting nutritional imbalance seems to have led to a sharp rise in heart disease and depression. By contrast, in Japan and other countries where fish consumption is high, both heart disease and depression rates are low. Stoll explains how easily omega-3s can be used up in just a few generations, and how a new mother with depleted omega-3s loses still more to her baby -- a fact that may account for the severe postpartum depression so many women suffer. He documents evidence that a shortage of omega-3s may also play a role in attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other learning problems. The good news is that this downward spiral of depletion and depression can finally be reversed.

In his revolutionary Omega-3 Renewal Plan, Dr. Stoll presents readers for the first time with all the tools for restoring their natural balance of omega-3 fatty acids, including which foods to eat and how to choose the most effective over-the-counter supplements. Featuring information on how to integrate flaxseed and fish oils into diet and medication plans, and including simple recipes as well as supplement dosages and sources, The Omega-3 Connection offers an entirely new, practical method for improving mental health.A must-read for anyone dealing with depression, The Omega-3 Connection by Andrew L. Stoll, M.D., strikes yet another blow against the standard American diet. We already know that years of noshing on highly processed foods have saddled us with sky-high rates of heart disease, obesity, and related conditions. But, as we're starting to understand now, our eating habits may also be subtly altering our brain chemistry, leaving us vulnerable to anxiety disorders and depression. Only in this case, it's not just what we're eating--it's what we're not eating: foods containing omega-3 essential fatty acids--the "good fats" that help maintain optimal brain function.

In his book, Stoll, the director of the psychopharmacology research lab at Boston's McLean Hospital and assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, suggests that restoring our body's natural balance of omega-3s may help alleviate (and prevent) many types of depression--even for those who don't respond to traditional antidepressants. Omega-3s may also prove helpful with other problems, such as the inability to handle stress, memory loss, and cognitive decline. The book contains a "renewal plan" designed to help readers put Stoll's concepts into practice, recipes for omega-3-rich dishes, advice for choosing supplements, and dosages for therapeutic use.

Although Stoll is quick with the caveat that much of the research on omega-3s and brain function is still evolving, he makes a compelling case for using these fats to regulate depression and other cognitive disorders. Along with major epidemiological evidence that shows lower rates of depression in those cultures that consume a great deal of omega-3s, Stoll's own studies indicate that boosting their intake can reduce depression symptoms. And Stoll cites stacks of additional studies suggesting that omega-3s can also help with major depression, schizophrenia, and postpartum depression. Going even further, Stoll makes a strong argument that omega-3 deficiency could be contributing to rising rates of teen violence and attention deficit disorders.

Of course, depression should never be treated without physician supervision. But in laying the groundwork for the omega-3s to emerge as the next big thing in natural depression therapy, Stoll certainly gives us food for thought. --Norine Dworkin

The Omega-3 Connection: The Groundbreaking Anti-depression Diet and Brain Program Features

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Most Underlined Buyer Review : Omega-3 fish oil-Irish experience
I first became interested in omega-3 when I read Andrew Stoll`s article in Archives of General Psychiatry in May 99.I tried it on a patient with bipolar disorder who had intractable OCD-she worried about Aids all day long.In just a few days her OCD improved dramatically,she stopped smoking,slept well and became quite relaxed.I then read everything I could find on the subject and found Donald Rudin an interesting writer.I was delighted to see Dr Stoll had written this book and have read it a few times.I have enjoyed it more than most novels and it has been very helpful to many of my patients.I have found omega-3 useful too for several other indications,including agoraphobia,alcoholism,drug abuse,sexual abuse,schizophrenia,anxiety,depression,insomnia and withdrawal from benzodiazepines.It has opened a whole new world for me in the treatment of mental illness.Because I have been interviewed on Irish radio many people here take omega-3 and find it takes the edge off the stress of everyday...

Look at Other Purchaser Testimonial
Initially skeptical of omega 3 claims
I was initially skeptical of Omega-3 claims as just more hype for the food supplement industry. However I read in a reputable textbook ""Biochemical and Physiological Aspects of Human Nutrition" by Martha H Stephanie that Omega3 fatty acids are now considered "essential fatty acids" and she explained why. Also the 17th edition of the Merck Manual briefly indicates that the EPA and DHA found in fish oils are essential fatty acids and recommends a ratio of 10:1 for omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids in the diet.

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential building blocks for the retina in the eye, nerve tissue, the brain and control details of the proper nutritional balance of cells in the body Since omega 6 is the primary fat in corn, soy, and safflower oils, the typical American diet contains a ratio of 10, 20 or 40 to 1 for omega 6 to omega 3. If you don't have enough omega 3 or if the ratio is too high in omega 6 there can be profound health consequences.

I bought "The Omega-3...

What to expect from this book
Here just enough to whet your appetite.

The introduction tells several success stories and He says that many studies
show it is advantages to help with heart disease, arthritis and depression
type problems.

Chapter One; Seeking a new treatment for Bi-polar disorder
(manic-depressive) that would be similar to the known substances but without
their problems hundreds of papers came up with a molecule of Omega 3 or fish
Oil! Furthermore that Omega 3 is important to brain function and that
several Hospitals are investigating its effects.

Chapter Two; Discusses fat and oil. Significantly that Japanese with the
low rates of heart disease live in fishing villages, but the Japanese living
in farming villages suffer higher rates. And of course the Eskimos have
little heart disease. Stoll writes that the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 is
1:1 in primitive cultures; But maybe 20:1 or 40 :1 in America. In other
words We eat too much 6...


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