Recaging The Beast: The Disease Behind Disease: The Yeast-Fungal Connection
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Well, after doing a bunch of research and checking out the testimonials right here and in other places, I chose to purchase Recaging The Beast: The Disease Behind Disease: The Yeast-Fungal Connection. Though I 'd have chosen a much better warranty, I decided the functions were appealing enough to attempt it. It is a bunch of money to throw away if it falls short just after the guarantee. I am totally in love with this product. It is high quality product, wise features. I simply got it today, and I will upgrade my testimonial later on if needed.
Recaging The Beast: The Disease Behind Disease: The Yeast-Fungal Connection Explanation
Recaging the Beast addresses the underlying cause of most disease - fungal overgrowths in the body which are fueled by antibiotics, birth control pills, prescription drugs and our sugar and carbohydrate laden diets. A yeast-free diet and anti-fungal supplements are outlined to restore health.
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Most Underlined Buyer Review : Recaging The Beast
In the 1980s, author Jane Remington developed a systemic yeast infection after taking several courses of antibiotics prescribed after dental surgeries. While looking for a way to eliminate the Candida overgrowth, she found a naturopath by the name of Dr. Sylvia Flesner who put her on a yeast-free diet. Several weeks later, her immune system was restored and she regained her energy and health. In her book, Recaging the Beast, The Yeast-Fungal Connection: The Disease behind Disease, Jane Remington shares her knowledge about how the rise of diseases is directly linked to the overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans. She contends there is a direct relationship between the yeast levels in our body and disease. Each health condition is a different but distinct manifestation of the same etiology or cause-fungus.
Remington explains that Candida albicans is a naturally occurring tiny one celled organism that normally resides in our gastrointestinal tract. When there is a fungal...
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A Life-Changing Book
Jane Remington's Recaging The Beast has changed the way I look at my diet, my lifestyle and my world. Ms. Remington makes a very powerful and persuasive argument that all diseases, not only in us humans but in animals and even plants, originate from a fungus. With over 100,000 species of fungi in the world, "the strain called Candida albicans is the one that gives us so much grief (p. 26)." To further quote the author (p. 176):
The death certificate may read "heart attack," "kidney failure," "pneumonia," "liver disease," "cancer," etc. but you can be sure Candida albicans was there first and created the environment needed for the disease to develop. Again, it is the "disease behind disease."
The book goes to great detail to explain how our lifestyles "far from the way our Creator intended us to live (p. 33)" have led us on a road of disease and destruction. More importantly, however, the book provides a path towards a healthy lifestyle. The author provides...
A Mind-Blowing Book
Recaging the Beast by Jane Remington deserves to play a major role in revolutionizing American healthcare. This is a great book, a layman's masterpiece. Read it and the world will never look the same.
Thoroughly researched and passionately, beautifully, and engagingly written, it reveals the lifestyle issues and the agenda of the big pharmaceutical companies that are basically undermining health and could, unchecked, lead to the extinction of our own species. The intention of the book is also to help individuals recover and enhance their health through the yeast-free-diet that destroys the Candida fungus at the source of a wide spectrum of disorders.
The more people who read this book, the more likely it is that American health will improve exponentially and the astronomical cost of care will go down. Buy a copy for yourself, and then give another to someone you love.

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