The Goldsteins' Wellness & Longevity Program
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We simply purchased this The Goldsteins' Wellness & Longevity Program, utilizing the discount and the free of cost shipping after reading a few of the prior testimonials prior to buying the product. Up until now so good. I am entirely in love with this item from Tfh Pubns Inc, Made it the very best cost on the web when we bought it initially of this month.
The Goldsteins' Wellness & Longevity Program Description
Searching for alternatives to conventional veterinary practices, thousands of desperate animal guardians have turned to Robert Goldstein, V.M.D., and Susan Goldstein for help in finding a better, more natural way to companion animal health. Finally, the Goldsteins have put their three decades worth of experience into this definitive guide to integrative medicine for dogs and cats.
The Goldsteins' Wellness & Longevity Program covers the most current integrative health methods available today. Learn how to treat the most common ailments affecting dogs and cats, plus uncover in-depth analysis and treatment of the diseases that animal guardians fear most.
With the Goldsteins' support and guidance, animal guardians can drastically improve the qualty and length of life of their dog or cat---and that is one of the best gifts to give an animal companion.
The Goldsteins' Wellness & Longevity Program Features
If you are searching for a The Goldsteins' Wellness & Longevity Program, so i highly recommended this hot product to you. I bought this product at a price that offers in United States of America.
Most Underlined Buyer Review : Packed cover to cover with tips for naturally preserving and prolonging animal health
Holistic veterinarian of 30 years' experience Robert Goldstein and "Earth Animal" retail outlet founder Susan Goldstein present The Goldsteins' Wellness & Longevity Program: Natural Care For Dogs And Cats, an integrative health book that bring together the best of holistic and conventional veterinary practices for readers to follow for the sake of companion animals. Designed to boost the immune system and aid in disease prevention for pets, the easy-to- follow program includes natural preventatives and healing modalities for common conditions, and guidelines for when to vaccinate and when not to (vaccination can cause pregnant animals may reject their unborn litters; anesthetized animals may vomit and choke). The Gold-steins' Wellness & Longevity Program cannot replace the diagnosis, advice, or care of a veterinarian, but it is packed cover to cover with tips for naturally preserving and prolonging animal health.
Look at Other Purchaser Review
Good health for you and your dog
A friend lended me this book to help my ailing pet, but I ended up buying it after reading most of it. Nothing could save my dog, but the book really helped me understand a lot. One of the best parts of this book is the information on choosing a good pet food. Secondly, each condition that was discussed is dissected in great detail and helps you to understand the pathophysiology of your pet but also give you a nutritional idea for yourself. I love the recipes and suggestions in this book; they are easy to try and easy to understand. If you want to be more holistic with your pets or at least give the holistic side a chance this is a great book to explore that option with. I've tried things in it for my cats and our other dog and have seen results in both animal species.
Dog Lover's Must Have
I purchased this book on the recommendation of a friend and I was not disappointed. This book gives you an overview of many different medical problems that your pet may encounter. Then they break it down into what the Vet will recommend, followed by what other things you can do to treat the pet holistically, either as an accompaniment to the vet's recommendations, or instead of (this is your choice of course). It's very well written, easy to read and understand. Many times these types of books sound good, but are disappointing when you read them. This one is not disappointing and I honestly believe every pet owner should have this as an important reference.
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