Healing Powers: Alternative Medicine, Spiritual Communities, and the State (Morality and Society Series)
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Healing Powers: Alternative Medicine, Spiritual Communities, and the State (Morality and Society Series) Description
"Frohock goes beyond the often irreconcilable differences between scientific biomedicine and alternative care by clarifying the social and legal dilemmas they present. . . . A noteworthy contribution forcing us to rethink what medical care is all about."—Jeffrey Michael Clare, Journal of the American Medical Association
"The book does more and better than simply provide a social-scientific proposal. It also gives not only a hearing but a voice to those who follow alternative therapies. . . . Frohock's accounts of their stories—along with the stories of the medical professionals—are eloquent and fascinating."—Allen Verhey, Medical Humanities Review
"Contains a storehouse of valuable information about the historical, philosophical, and psychological bases of alternative approaches to healing."—Marshall B. Kapp, New England Journal of Medicine
"Frohock introduces us to the scientific naturopaths and to physicians who believe in the mind's power to heal, to charismatics who believe in but cannot explain their powers, to those who test God and those who merely accept. He writes so well that I felt I had met these people."—Arthur W. Frank, Christian Century
Healing Powers: Alternative Medicine, Spiritual Communities, and the State (Morality and Society Series) Features
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At the time this book was published in 1992, Fred Frohock was Professor of Political Science at Syracuse University. He has also written books such as Beyond: On Life After Death, Public Reason: Mediated Authority in the Liberal State, Lives of the Psychics: The Shared Worlds of Science and Mysticism, Special Care: Medical Decisions at the Beginning of Life, etc.
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