Reviews What to Eat for What Ails You: How to Treat Illnesses by Changing the Food and Vitamins in Your Diet

What to Eat for What Ails You: How to Treat Illnesses by Changing the Food and Vitamins in Your Diet

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What to Eat for What Ails You: How to Treat Illnesses by Changing the Food and Vitamins in Your Diet Details

A comprehensive guide to health conditions, from everyday ailments to serious diseases, and the foods you should eat to help control them.

While it seems hard to believe, most doctors, in general, do not provide their patients with a natural health program after diagnosing them with a medical condition. While most illnesses can't necessarily be cured through diet and nutrition, often times you can help to control them, or improve your symptoms by identifying and avoiding specific foods, as well as lifestyle or environmental factors that trigger flare-ups or aggravate individual conditions. The Encyclopedia of What to Eat for What Ails You is a comprehensive guide to health conditions ranging from everyday ailments, such as bad breath or acne, to uncommon or less known maladies like rosacea and fibromyalgia, to serious diseases such as AIDS and cancer. Each entry in The Encyclopedia of What to Eat for What Ails You offers expert medical and nutritional advice from the respected medical field in which the professional works. The book is arranged alphabetically, and provides a description of the disease, instructs readers on the foods they should eat, the foods to avoid, and also offers suggestions on helpful nutritional supplements.

What to Eat for What Ails You: How to Treat Illnesses by Changing the Food and Vitamins in Your Diet Features

If you are looking for a What to Eat for What Ails You: How to Treat Illnesses by Changing the Food and Vitamins in Your Diet, so i highly recommended this item to you. I bought this hot item at a price that offers in United States.

What to Eat for What Ails You: How to Treat Illnesses by Changing the Food and Vitamins in Your Diet even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Finally! A guide to eating that really helps you feel better!
I've read a number of nutrition, health and wellness books, but this one is a top-notch publication for a number of reasons. For one, it's well-organized and easy to follow. Numerous conditions and ailments are listed, followed by recommendations on what you can do to improve it. Yu solicits input from respected professionals, not the fly-by-night infomercial "experts" that you see on TV.

What I found especially encouraging is that the improvements the author recommends are not hard to implement. I realized as I read this that sometimes just minor adjustments to my diet, like adding a little less salt, reducing my portion sizes, or substituting fruit for a snack in place of junk food can lead to tremendous improvements in how I feel and my overall energy levels! I've only just begun to make some of these changes, and I already feel like I have more energy than I've had in years!

Yu deserves a lot of credit for presenting sound information and educating the...

What Other Buyer say?
Making the Connections: Food/Yoga/Well Being
Yu's book is wonderfully helpful, user-friendly, well-organized, clear & concise. The book presents the reader with almost 100 medical conditions and provides information on what the ailment looks like, what to eat, what not to eat, and strategies for staying healthy. For me, the most exciting aspect of the book is that I can use it in tandum with B.K.S. Iyengar's book, Yoga: The Path to Holistic Health, which gives me poses (asanas) to do for a particular medical condition/problem to relieve/remedy a problem. Yu hit the nail on the head with this book and is to be complemented. Simply put, this book is easy to use, easy to understand and easy to implement...the kind of book that I will reference often!

Greatest Food and Health Book
I have always considered myself a healthy eater but until I read "What to Eat for What Ails You" by Ms. Yu, I did not realize that what I was eating was not always healthy depending on my condition/illness. This book has changed my eating habits and I feel heatlhier and happier -- more energy. I am constantly referring to its pages for guidance in what to eat to help me overcome/feel better. What I especially like about the book is that it not only tells you what to eat for a particular ailment but defines what the ailment is and what the symptons are. Ms Yu does so in "layman's" terms so even myself, a self admitted non-medical person, fully understands without referring to a medical dictionary. I also like the tidbits on what to avoid eating for a particular ailment -- just as important as what to eat. Her strategies on staying healthy are very enlightening and well worth following. Overall, I find this one of the best resource books I or anyone could own. I highly recommend...


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