SALE Food Addiction: The Body Knows: Revised & Expanded Edition

Food Addiction: The Body Knows: Revised & Expanded Edition

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We simply purchased this Food Addiction: The Body Knows: Revised & Expanded Edition, using the price cut and the cost-free shipping. Made it the best rate on the net when we purchased it initially of this month. after doing a bunch of research and checking out the testimonials somewhere else. I received this product about 4 days back and am extremely pleased with the product, So far so great. I am absolutely in love with this Food Addiction: The Body Knows: Revised & Expanded Edition, It is a high quality product and having wise features.

Food Addiction: The Body Knows: Revised & Expanded Edition Details


  • Are you a food addict?
  • Do you gain more weight than you lose after every diet?
  • Can one cookie destroy all your good intentions?
  • Do you eat when you are disappointed, tense or anxious?

    Since its publication, Food Addiction has become a primary resource for food addicts and compulsive eaters. Now it is updated and presented in a revised and expanded edition, with a new chapter on relapse. For a food addict, relapse is an ever present danger which begins in the mind before reaching for that cupcake or other trigger food.

    Here food addiction is defined, trigger foods are identified and consequences of food addiction are revealed. A lifetime eating plan demonstrating how to stick with a healthful food plan for the long term is also provided.

    "For some people, foods can be as addictive as alcohol," Kay Sheppard explains. "Gummy bears and marshmallow chicks can be vicious killers whose effects can lead to depression, irritability and even suicide. The terrible truth is that for certain individuals, refined carbohydrates can trigger the addictive process. This book is an effort to help you understand and solve the problems of compulsive eating."

    Food Addiction: The Body Knows: Revised & Expanded Edition Features

    If you are searching for a Food Addiction: The Body Knows: Revised & Expanded Edition, so i high suggested this hot product to you. I bought this hot item at a price that offers in United States.

    Food Addiction: The Body Knows: Revised & Expanded Edition even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

    Most Underlined Buyer Review : IT WORKS AND IS EASIER THAN YOU THINK
    After trying (and failing) for years to lose weight with Weight Watchers and dieting, I had almost concluded that significant weight loss was for me, not possible. Then I was introduced to the principles of Kay Sheppard's food regimen, and in four months, lost 30 pounds. I am still losing, and for the first time, without having to fight feelings of deprivation and those terrible food cravings. If this is a diet, it is the easiest and most effective diet I have ever been on. My friends and family are amazed.

    There are two major aspects of Sheppard's food regimen: (1) the physiological aspects of food addiction that derive from low blood sugar due to a hypoglycemic response to flour and sugar in the diet, which is what causes the food cravings and binging, and (2) the moral, spiritual and pyschological support needed to get through the early withdrawal phase, and for many, to stay in recovery.

    Sheppard mentions support organizations like Overaters Anonymous and Food Addicts...

    Look at Other Purchaser Testimonial
    Finally Free
    I have struggled with compulsive eating for as long as I can remember. I have tried the "eat only when you're hungry" plan prescribed for compulsive overeaters, as well as just about every diet you can name, only to find my self-destructive behavior worse than before. And then, I found this book.

    Admittedly, when I first read the prescribed road to recovery, I was none too thrilled. In the beginning, I assure you, it's tough. But the rewards are so far and beyond your wildest dreams, I can't even begin to explain. In ten weeks I lost 25 pounds as a side effect of the recovery process. The weight loss, though quite welcome, has not been the true blessing of recovery. It has been my ability to think about things other than food, to release my feelings of inferiority, of weakness, of shame.

    The program emphasizes the importance of support from friends, family members, and eating disorder groups. I recovered in a foreign country with a different language where I had NO ONE...

    Life saving
    7/13/00 I am a 48 year old female who was overweight all of my adult life. I tried a "zillion" diets, and lost weight, but could not keep it off. This book helped me to understand how food addiction affected me and what I could do that would help me live with this "eating disorder". My highest weight topped the scales at 250 pounds. I lost 40 pounds on another diet, but quickly regained 20 pounds shortly after. I was ready to try this new way of eating. It was a challege at first as I had to read labels alot. But the results were instantanious. My life completly changed almost immediately. My chronic depression lifted, and how I see myself and the world has completly changed. I am a different person inside and out. I am happy despite the difficult life I'd had. I've also lost 55 pounds in 8 1/2 months just following this wonderful, healthy, fully satisfying food plan. I can live with this food plan the rest of my life - I do not feel deprived...


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