The Hyperactivity Hoax: How to Stop Drugging Your Child and Find Real Medical Help
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Well, after doing a great deal of research and reading the reviews right here and in other places, I chose to purchase The Hyperactivity Hoax: How to Stop Drugging Your Child and Find Real Medical Help. Though I 'd have chosen a much better guarantee, I decided the attributes were attractive enough to attempt it. It is a lot of money to get rid of if it falls short just after the guarantee. I am completely in love with this item. It is high quality product, clever attributes. I simply got it today, and I will upgrade my testimonial later if required.
The Hyperactivity Hoax: How to Stop Drugging Your Child and Find Real Medical Help Explanation
In The Hyperactivity Hoax, neuropsychiatrist Dr. Sydney Walker cogently explores the medical minefield of hyperactivity and helps parents arrive at safe, effective answers for their children, without unnecessarily drugging them with potentially dangerous mind-altering medicine. Included in his in-depth guide is:
* How to determine if your child needs medical help
* How to find a good doctor, a real diagnosis, and effective treatment
* How to assert yourself when talking to doctors and school officials
* How to evaluate both traditional and alternative approaches to treating hyperactivity and ADD
* And much more invaluable information in caring for your child's health.
A myth-shattering book no parent can afford to miss!
The Hyperactivity Hoax: How to Stop Drugging Your Child and Find Real Medical Help Features
If you are seeking a The Hyperactivity Hoax: How to Stop Drugging Your Child and Find Real Medical Help, so i highly suggested this hot item to you. I bought this item at a price that offers in United States of America.
Most Underlined Buyer Review : I was his patient as a child.
After years of unsuccessful psychiatric work, school problems, and Ritalin, my parents found Dr. Walker. I was eight, and my parents and teachers were at a point where I was probably no longer going to be able to attend school and there was a possibility of being institutionalized. The rages that I would fly into would take a room apart. The animals and three other siblings in my family were continually terrorized. Babysitters refused to stay with us.
It is hard to talk about this stuff now, as I am a thirty-something adult with a very healthy and happy life. I have a wonderful husband, a 17-month-old daughter, and a baby on the way. Dr. Walker diagnosed me as being allergic to gluten and as being a borderline diabetic who with strict diet management would hopefully never have to take insulin. My diet went into effect when I was eight, immediately after my parents brought me home from Dr.Walker's multi-day visit. It worked. I don't know how long the diet took to work...
Various other Buyer Saying
Somethings to concider.
Dr. Walker's book brought out many things every parent should consider before they consider medication. Lead poisoning, mercury fillings, and worms are just a few. He also listed were these things may be found in our enviroments. This was paticularly helpful since we, my wife and I, did not take all of our activities into account when evaluating toxic substances. This book was easy to read and very informative. Thank you Dr. Walker.
Some valid points, but....
overall the book isn't one that adds up. Walker seems to vacilate between suggesting ADHD simply doesn't exist -- that it is always the symptom of an underlying problem -- and saying that there may be something to it if no underlying disorder can be found, but Ritalin isn't the answer. I found myself getting confused in spots about what he really believes.
His points about Ritalin are well made. He's absolutely correct in stating that it can be a risky drug for children to be on, that we haven't done enough appropriate longitudinal research, and that the side effects for some children can be problematic, at best. The key words, however, are some children. I know children who are on the drug who aren't having any problems with it. The whole issue of what is a cause and what is an effect is a confusing one, and this book doesn't make it any clearer.
In terms of the safety of Ritalin, the research and studies Dr. Walker mentions are based on such small sample sizes that they can't...
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