Healing Psoriasis: The Natural Alternative
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Healing Psoriasis: The Natural Alternative Details
A leading researcher shares natural remedies for psoriasis
According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, at least seven million people in the U.S. and more than 100 million worldwide suffer from this chronic skin disease. This book outlines Dr. Pagano's natural, drug-free treatment regimen that can alleviate, control, and even heal psoriasis without steroid creams, tar baths, injections, or ultraviolet treatments. Healing Psoriasis outlines a healthy diet and lifestyle and includes case histories, photos, recipes, and a chapter on eczema.
Healing Psoriasis: The Natural Alternative Features
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Most Underlined Buyer Review : On The Road to Wellness
I came across this book by a (so-called) fluke although in reality--it is a timely answer to a 32 yr-old prayer. I read the book with great enthusiasm because my current doctor had put me on an elimination diet to detoxify my liver. No sooner had he done this than my skin began to clear up. When I read this book, the author says that many people initially find relief to psoriasis when their doctors put them on elimination diets for other reasons. Thus the undisputable proof that diet and nutrition have everything to do with your health. When I finished the book, I gave it to my doctor who was extremely open to its suggestions. We immediately put 2 or 3 of the book's suggestions to work in addition to what I was already doing. Even though we are in the middle of winter (the worst time of year for the psioratic), my skin continues to clear and is soft and supple. I have since told everyone I know who suffers with this skin disorder, about this book. Please,...
Look at Other Purchaser Review
Psoriasis is Gone!!
I had psoriasis for over 25 years, mainly it was on my elbows and one knee. In the last couple years I developed a patch on my right leg, about 3 inches wide and 7 inches long. About April of last year, 2003, my psoriasis began getting worse. I had been to dermatoligists and doctors on occasion over the years, but none helped my condition. My brother has had a severe case of psoriasis for many years and has tried many treatments to no avail. My case wasn't real severe, so I just lived with it.
I began researching on the internet about more natural psoriasis treatments when I ran across Dr. Pagano's book, people who had written about it. It made sense to me because no ointments, creams or any external treatments seemed to help anyone that I had read about except for maybe a temporary clearing or partial clearing of symptoms. So I began to follow the diet as best as I could following what I had read on the internet about the diet contained in the book. After about 3 weeks...
I Read, I Believe & I'm On My Way To A Healing!
I found Dr. Pagano's book, quite by accident, inCT, and "What A Find!" I never thought of looking for a book that would have a cure.After suffering for 36 years with psoriasis, and applying expensive 'rub-on' medications, as well as bear grease, bag balm and a host of other home remedies from the "older generation" here at home, I came to the realization that something had to be wrong inside, but no one (doctor) could help me because they didn't have a clue. Now Dr. John Pagano, he had more than a clue, and his book is proof! I bought his book July 23rd. I read it in 3 days, cover to cover. Immediately I gave up the night shade foods! I studied it for 3 days and lent it to my chiropractor for 2 weeks. I got it back and studied it some more, and on August 16th, I was ready, and began the cleansing regimen. I have been following it as closely as I can, and on Saurday, last, I realized that the psoriasis on my scalp was totally gone! It's wonderful! The...
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