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The Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook

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I got this item about 5 days back and am really delighted with the product. I had an The Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook and I would never ever buy again. So far so great. Can't be even worse than the The Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook Also if you registered it on line you got an additional 2 months warranty.

The Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook Description

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Title: The Oil Protein Diet Cookbook
Author: Budwig, Johanna
Publisher: Apple Tree Pub Co Ltd
Publication Date: 1994/12/01
Number of Pages:
Binding Type: PAPERBACK
Library of Congress:

The Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook Features

If you are looking for a The Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook, so i high suggested this hot product to you. I bought this product at a price that offers in USA.

The Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : The Oil Protein Diet Cookbook, by Johanna Dr. Budwig
This book is the companion to her first book. While the first book is really a compilation of her various lectures to peers over a long span of years, this book actually explains in more detail how her diet works and also suggests diets that are nutritious to the point of being adequate for athletes in training. If I had to choose "one" this would be IT. As a cancer victim myself you can read my review of the other book about how well her diet works. Buying this book and following her diet will be the best investment in your own health you will ever make. Buy and read both her books, but especially this one.

What Other Purchaser claim?
The Oil Protein Diet Cookbook
I would highly recommend this book to those who desire to improve their health by incorporating flax seeds and flax oil into the diet. The cookbook gives many ways to include flax oil at every meal and even for dessert. The ice cream recipes using flax oil are absolutely delicious.

Dr Johanna Budwig's Oil-Protein Diet Cook Book review
For those who are genuinely interested in the quality of their health and are skeptical of the manufactured/processed interference into our diet, this is the book for you.The diet is SIMPLE and DOES WORK. I am proof of that. This book ideally should be read in conjunction with Dr Budwig's book 'Flax oil as a True Aid against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer and Other Diseases' as it explains the research behind this diet. Dr Budwig's recipes are tasty, easy (in the most part) to prepare and above all GOOD FOR YOU. It has taken nearly 50 years for the mainstream medical/scientific world to 'discover' what Dr Budwig had already perfected and had the documented evidence proving it. Most of the recipes have a 'European flavour' but are easily adaptable to everyone's tastes. Substitutions are usually included ie: low-fat cottage cheese or yoghurt for Quark, but there are a few items that are more difficult to obtain here in Oz, such as Kaki fruit or sea buckthorn. Even if you don't...


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