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Encyclopedia of Healing Foods

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Well, after doing a lot of research and reviewing the testimonials right here and somewhere else, I chose to purchase Encyclopedia of Healing Foods. Though I 'd have chosen a much better guarantee, I decided the functions were appealing enough to try it. It is a lot of cash to discard if it falls short just after the warranty. I am absolutely in love with this item. It is high quality item, clever features. I simply got it today, and I will update my review later if required.

Encyclopedia of Healing Foods Explanation

From the bestselling authors of The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, the most comprehensive and practical guide available to the nutritional benefits and medicinal properties of virtually everything edible

As countless studies have affirmed, diet plays a major role in both provoking and preventing a wide range of diseases. But just what is a healthy diet? What does the body need to stay strong and get well? In The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods, Michael T. Murray, N.D., and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D., two of the world¹s foremost authorities on nutrition and wellness, draw on an abundant harvest of research to present the best guide available to healthy eating.

Make healthy eating a lifetime habit.

Let The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods teach you how to:

  • design a safe diet

  • use foods to stimulate the body¹s natural ability to rejuvenate and heal

  • discover the role that fiber, enzymes, fatty acids, and other dietary components

  • have in helping us live healthfully

  • understand which food prescriptions will help you safely treat more than 70 specific ailments, including acne, Alzheimer¹s disease, immune system depression, insomnia, migraine headaches, PMS, and rheumatoid arthritis

  • prepare foods safely in order to prevent illness and maximize health benefits

  • select, store, and prepare all kinds of healthful foods

Providing the best natural remedies for everyday aches and pains, as well as potent protection against serious diseases, The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods is a required daily health reference.

Encyclopedia of Healing Foods Features

If you are searching for a Encyclopedia of Healing Foods, so i high recommended this item to you. I bought this product at a price that offers in United States.

Encyclopedia of Healing Foods even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Grenerally good book
I liked the presentation of the book. It has a list of all different kinds of foods and then gives the benefits.

But, I am not giving this book 5 stars because there is some incorrect or misleading information. For example, the book says (page 8) that the per capita of eggs was 37 in 1909, but according to the Department of Agriculture the per capita was 292.8 ( That's a big difference!

He mentions phytic acid, but he doesn't say what foods have them or how to deactivate them. (Phytates pull calcium, zinc, and magnisium out of the body. They are found in grains and seeds, and they can be deactivated by sprouting or soaking in water with some yogurt.)

He writes that vitamin B6 helps detoxify estrogen out of the body, but he fails to say that only about 10% of vitamin B6 is absorbed from plant foods while about 100% of B6 is absorbed from animal foods (_AJCN_ 1988: 863-7). The ironic thing is that he says to avoid ALL animal foods...

Other Buyer Saying
Informative and Helpful
"Healing Foods" takes a holistic approach to health, starting with the food we put in our bodies. I found "Healing Foods" helpful in pointing out what kinds of fruit are best bought organic. Organic watermelon for instance is better than conventional watermelon due to its high absorption of pesticides etc. I wouldn't say "Healing Foods" is a bible, but it's a good reference on healthy living. Because it's a reference book and not a guide book, it requires you to have something in mind. If you have say "hazelnuts" in mind and you want to know how best to store them and what they're nutritional value is, then the book is helpful. "Healing Foods" is not, however, a substitute for proper medical attention and especially acute medical care.

Easy to Read, Comprehensive Reference for the Lay Person
Lots of pertinent information, clearly presented. The egg discrepancy may be a typo, but as a former proofreader, I'd say it's unlikely a work of this size won't have one or two...Over all, I'm impressed with the accuracy. I particularly appreciate the appendices in the back. The disease-specific prescriptions are great, too.


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