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The Epilepsy Diet Treatment: An Introduction to the Ketogenic Diet

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I will offer interesting details for you, you can get a The Epilepsy Diet Treatment: An Introduction to the Ketogenic Diet at a really low-cost cost particularly for This day. But prior to you continue reviewing, please see testimonials regarding The Epilepsy Diet Treatment: An Introduction to the Ketogenic Diet below

The Epilepsy Diet Treatment: An Introduction to the Ketogenic Diet Explanation

One in five children with epilepsy has seizures resistant to medications. The ketogenic diet offers a good chance for these children's seizures to be controlled, and helps many children to become completely seizure-free and drug-free. The Epilepsy Diet Treatment is the only book devoted exclusively to the ketogenic diet, a treatment proven to improve seizure control in nearly three-quarters of the children who try it. The Epilepsy Diet Treatment gives you all the facts about the ketogenic diet, plus quotes from parents showing what the experience is really like, and thirty sample recipes. Every doctor and dietician who treats epileptic children, and every parent of an epileptic child, should read this book.

The Epilepsy Diet Treatment: An Introduction to the Ketogenic Diet Features

If you are trying to find a The Epilepsy Diet Treatment: An Introduction to the Ketogenic Diet, so i highly suggested this hot product to you. I bought this hot product at a price that offers in United States.

The Epilepsy Diet Treatment: An Introduction to the Ketogenic Diet even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

I reluctantly bought this book to join the sea of books I already had regarding seizures and other son was born disabled and developed seizures shortly after birth.

It turned out that this book CHANGED OUR LIVES!!!! I have not looked back since buying it! My son was diagnosed with Lennox Gastaut Seizure Disorder. Doctors reacted like the mere diagnosis was the kiss of death. I am here to tell you that if the Ketogenic Diet can work for my son, who had over 100 seizures a day and constant seizure activity during sleep, it has the potential to work for anyone! Just remember that since it is not a drug, doctors do not promote it (pharmaceutical companies pay for their vacations, remember!)......My son was formerly on 6 meds with no end to seizures in sight. He is now on the diet and has only one med left to be weaned from. The diet had immediate and amazing results!

If you want to ask specific questions, please feel free to email me directly...

What Various other Buyer state?
Very informative for first time reading regarding the diet.
I've read this book just prior to starting my child on the diet. We are very optimistic, and the book answered many questions. It it used as a guideline by our dietician. The book is easy to follow and subjects are grouped nicely for later reference. The book offers some recipes, but more ideas on "creative cooking" would have been helpful. We bought 3 and gave one to each family member that would be preparing meals, and to grandparents, who need gentle convincing that the benefits from the diet are worth the sacrifice and effort!

The book talks about how more studies are needed on the keto-diet, but it would have been nice to add how one could become part of a study.

The book goes into detail regarding how to do the calculations, but when you are in the program, the dietician should do that for the family.

Overall, I found the book easy to read and not too lengthy, but with enough information. There aren't alot of other educational options in book...

In trying to search for Kimberly's method of treatment, the book An Introduction to The Ketogenic Diet along with Seizures and Epliepsy in Childhood helped me decide which way to go. While preparing myself to start the diet, the book prepared my for what to expect before and during the diet process. I referred to the book often when I had a question. When Kimberly would get and ear infection and recently a urinary infection, the list of what type of prescriptions should be used came in handle for the peditricians . Since I went against two neuroligist to start her on the diet, I was on my own. I had to travel 3 hours for the nearest Ketogenic Center, the book along with God were my biggest preparers for what would become Kimberly's cure. She is seizure free and drug free, but with God's will, she will be ready for the weining stage. Thank you for a will prepared book.


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