How to Get Your Kid to Eat: But Not Too Much
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Most Underlined Buyer Review : Simply the Best
Last week we went out for chinese food and my kids (ages 4 and 6) were begging for more broccoli and carrots. "How did you do it" asked the people at the table next door who were begging their two older kids to eat "at least a few more bites." Last night we went out with friends to a "family" restaurant where they put the kids cookies on the plate with their dinner. Our friends took their kids cookies and wouldn't let them have them until they had eaten what the parents considered an appropriate amount. There was alot of fighting. Our 4 year old ate her cookie first, then her chicken and left most of her fries. Our 6 year old ate her chicken and fries first and then ate her cookie. There was no fighting. How did we "do it"? Easy. Ellyn Sater's "How to get your kid to eat, but not too much."
Its simple method for dividing responsability in feeding makes everyone's life easier. Our favorite expression derives from the theories in this...
What Various other Buyer state?
No more "short order" cooking!
I found this book when my first child was 2 yrs. old and a very picky eater. I had become very tired and frustrated trying to find things that she would eat at each meal...just to get her to eat SOMETHING! I was so relieved to learn from this book that I am not responsible for how much or even IF my daughter ate. I am only responsible for WHEN and WHAT she can eat.
Since reading this book I have had 3 more children. And though they each have their eating preferences no one would ever call my children "picky eaters". I am constantly amazed at the great lengths my friends go to to get their children to eat or drink certain things. They seem to be equally amazed that I don't have to do the same with my own children.
This book gave me the strength and the "know-how" to get my kids to eat healthy without having to force them to.
Good for ending food-related conflicts
This book was recommended to me by our pediatrician when my then one-year-old son wasn't gaining weight rapidly enough. While his problem was not of the seriousness of failing to thrive, it was extremely stressful to my husband and I as first-time parents. And I learned the foundations for parent-child food conflicts can be laid well before the child can participate in a discussion.
I was not interested in having the rest of my life turned into a food battle ground, and this book helped permanently defuse any conflict. My parenting style is relaxed. My husband's style is old school. And my son is willful. Satter's recommendations worked for all of us.
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