Discount Sugar Blues

Sugar Blues

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We just bought this Sugar Blues, utilizing the discount and the free shipping. Made it the finest price on the net when we bought it initially of this month. after doing a bunch of research and reviewing the testimonials in other places. I received this product about 6 days ago and am extremely delighted with the item, So far so excellent. I am absolutely in love with this Sugar Blues, It is a high quality product and having wise features.

Sugar Blues Explanation

It's a prime ingredient in countless substances from cereal to soup, from cola to coffee. Consumed at the rate of one hundred pounds for every American every year, it's as addictive as nicotine -- and as poisonous. It's sugar. And "Sugar Blues", inspired by the crusade of Hollywood legend Gloria Swanson, is the classic, bestselling expose that unmasks our generation's greatest medical killer and shows how a revitalizing, sugar-free diet can not only change lives, but quite possibly save them.

Sugar Blues Features

If you are looking for a Sugar Blues, so i highly suggested this hot product to you. I bought this hot product at a price that offers in United States of America.

Sugar Blues even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : For Responsible Adults Only!
For weeks I walked to and from work, over one hour each way, to help drop through a weight plateau of 199 pounds. No matter what I did, including dieting, I was destined to be a 199-pounder for life! Then, one Sunday evening, I read the first few chapters of a book a friend lent me, "Sugar Blues" by Dufty. My first reaction to the information contained in it was entirely emotional: anger and disgust. Until that moment I had never given sugar a moment's worth of thought. That Sunday evening, I felt my anger so intensely, that I promised myself that I immediately would stop my ingestion of sugar for MORAL reasons. As I read further, I wished that I had known this information years ago. I wished that I had used this information while raising my children. I am saddened that I didn't get to the profound wisdom in this book sooner than I did. But, life is full of important lessons. This book is but lesson number one. And learning this lesson later is better...

Exactly what Other Purchaser point out?
A true health classic!
I'm sugar-free ever since reading "Sugar Blues." I was sluggish, moody, hungry, etc. I remembered that John Lennon mentioned Dufty's book in an interview once. So I bought it at the local health food store. He starts off with his own sugar hell and redemption and then delves into the whole history of the cane. Very interesting, healthwise and also politically. This is the meat of the book. (The Boston "Tea" Party? More like the rum party.) I like his writing style; he keeps it homespun. (Why did some think this book needs more "hard science"? Isn't it already in there? It's not intended to be in a medical journal [which can't always be trusted!].) When I tell people I'm sugar-free they usually scoff, saying sugar's not that bad for you, why give it up completely. Well, now I wake up clear and I get through the afternoon w/o any flagging of energy. At various times of the day I'll feel some energy racing through my body. (A great feeling; keeps...

Try to Quit if You Think It's Not a Drug
I read Sugar Blues years ago, and became a right-wingist, eliminating all sugar. Over the years, sugar crept back in. Now I'm doing it again because of (1) moodiness, (2) always being bloated, (3) loss of "real appetite". Sugar in EVERYTHING (even soups and vegetables) makes it very hard to stop totally but what I remember most about William Duffy's comments were the similarity to cocaine use when sugar was first introduced -- the first sugar users brought it to parties and it was a great specialty. That hit home.

Try to Quit! It takes almost a full month for the cravings to go away. Anyone who has seen The Insiders and the power that the tobacco industry has, can understand the enormity of trying to attack the sugar industry.

AS a PS, Sugar in everything is an American phenomenon. You won't find sugar in soups, canned vegetables, frozen dinners in Holland and the rest of Europe. WHY is it DONE to us here in America?

Pick up this book and begin to...


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