Raw Dog Food: Make It Easy for You and Your Dog
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Well, after doing a great deal of research and checking out the testimonials below and in other places, I decided to buy Raw Dog Food: Make It Easy for You and Your Dog. Though I 'd have preferred a better guarantee, I chose the features were appealing enough to attempt it. It is a lot of money to discard if it fails just after the warranty. I am absolutely in love with this product. It is high quality item, smart attributes. I simply got it today, and I will update my testimonial later on if needed.
Raw Dog Food: Make It Easy for You and Your Dog Explanation
Raw feeding is the hottest topic in dog care today. You may have heard about the "BARF" diet - Biologically Appropriate Raw Foods. Learn why and how to feed your dog this new (but really OLD) diet. "Raw Dog Food: Make It Easy for You and Your Dog " explains in simple, friendly and understandable terms the logic behind this approach. This fun and slightly irreverent book shows you how feeding your dog a raw diet can be effective, economical, and easy for you and healthy for your dog. Learn how to make it work for your dog and you!
Raw Dog Food: Make It Easy for You and Your Dog Features
If you are searching for a Raw Dog Food: Make It Easy for You and Your Dog, so i highly suggested this item to you. I bought this hot item at a price that offers in USA.
Most Underlined Buyer Review : Fantastic book!
I have been feeding my dogs Biologically Appropriate Raw Food BARF for one year now. I cannot imagine ever buying a bag of dog food again. My dogs nasty ear infections are gone, their teeth are gleaming white and their poops "magically" disappear in my yard. Their coats are shiny and healthy and they have no joint problems, gas problems or skin problems.
As humans, we do not sit down and calculate every vitamin and mineral in our diets and it is not necessary to do this for our dogs. There is no recipe for feeding your dogs a healthy raw diet, only a guideline. This book is a great beginner book for feeding raw food. It does not go into scientific details because you do not have to be a scientist to feed a dog, or yourself for that matter.
I know that in the old days there was no such thing as kibble and I cannot remember ever hearing of someones dog having things like cancer, skin infections, allergies and diabetes. Nowadays, all I hear is how sick...
Pay attention to The Reviews from Various other Purchasers
A great introduction to raw pet diets.
This book provides a good, basic guide to raw food diets. This was the first book I read on the subject, and I found it to be less complicated than others I've read since. It's a good reference for pet owners who don't have a lot of time to devote to preparing complicated raw meals with many different supplements. The book answered many questions and addressed some fears I had regarding raw diets. At the end, it also listed other good sources of information on raw food diets.
Finally have the courage and know-how...
I've read just about all the other raw feeding books, but this is the one I NEEDED to read to start out! I've used it as my main guide to feed my three dogs "real food." I've now been feeding this way since October 2003 and my dogs couldn't be doing better. My oldest dog is a Labrador, about 8 years old. She's lost 15lbs and has more energy than ever. My other dogs are two Beagles, 2 yrs and 6 yrs old. They're also doing great and LOVE their new diet!!! And I got a new kitten for Christmas who keeps stealing the dog's food, so I guess she likes it too!
The book is easy and quick to read, but has a ton of really practical tips and very clear instructions. It made me realise this diet doesn't have to be complicated, it just makes sense! I had some additional questions about things that weren't in the book so I contacted the author through her website and she was very prompt and helpful.
I bought some extra copies to give to friends, too. Hopefully I can persuade them to start...
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