The Fat Fallacy: The French Diet Secrets to Permanent Weight Loss
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The Fat Fallacy: The French Diet Secrets to Permanent Weight Loss Description
Fat is not the enemy!
Croissants. Brioche. Brie. To the American palate, these foods are fattening and oftentimes “forbidden.” Yet they are the regular staples of the French diet. And though almost half of all Americans are overweight, France’s obesity rate is at a low eight percent, while the French also boast fewer cases of stroke and heart disease. It’s clear that America’s obsession with low-fat and fat-free foods has ultimately failed.
In The Fat Fallacy, neuroscientist Will Clower explains precisely why the American diet sabotages weight-loss efforts and discusses how French eating habits can lead to better health and trimmer physiques. In this revolutionary work, Dr. Clower explains:
• How highly processed “fake foods” are the real culprit in the American diet
• Why it’s not just what you eat but how you eat that makes a difference
• Easy ways to adopt the habits of the French to melt the pounds away, including
complete dinner recipes—with dessert!
Finally, here’s a plan that cuts through the high-protein/low-fat debate. It’s not a gimmicky diet program but a way of life that will invite Americans to enjoy food like never before—while being healthier and trimmer than they ever could have imagined.
The Fat Fallacy: The French Diet Secrets to Permanent Weight Loss Features
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Most Underlined Buyer Review : Worked for me!
I first spotted The Fat Fallacy in a bookstore at a time when I was feeling frustrated at not being able to shed those last 10 pounds after months of exercising more regularly than I ever had before and trying to eat low-fat. I was intrigued by the idea that I could eat foods I love - cheese, full-fat premium ice cream, and chocolate - all while losing weight.
It sounded almost too good to be true, but I'd seen firsthand from a trip to Paris that the French ate very differently from us yet stayed thin. Also, many of Will Clower's comments made a lot of sense intuitively. I decided to give it a try, hoping for the best, but promising to stop if it caused me to gain weight instead.
I tossed out the skim milk, "low-fat" cheese, and processed foods containing high-fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils and other artificial ingredients (you'd be amazed how many things include them!). To refill my pantry and refrigerator, I bought cream-top yogurt, whole milk,...
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Life changing!!!!!
I rarely feel strongly enough about a book to take the time to write an online review, but in this case I HAVE to share my thoughts. If I could encourage everyone in the country to read this book, I would!
I have always loved food and loved cooking. However, I have always felt guilty about enjoying my food because I seem to want to gorge on it. Then I'm off into the want to eat/feel guilty about eating cycle! I am also an emotional eater, and nighttime snacking is my downfall.
Over the past 2 1/2 years I have lost about 75lbs, mainly by just eating healthier and exercising. I cut out most processed and fast foods, sodas, sweets etc. and sought to eat more healthy foods. As my weight loss slowed over the past year or so I have gone through the counting calories phase (far too time consuming and tiring to do for long)and the counting protein/fat/carb grams phase (again, too time consuming). The one good thing that came out of these phases was learning to control portion...
Could This Be America's Weight-Loss Solution?
The Fat Fallacy is a refreshing new way (or rather old way) of looking at food. In our search for the quick-fix weight-loss solution, we have basically abandoned food and learned to embrace a diet of generally non-edible chemicals that have been dressed to resemble food. This becomes apparent at the end of every chapter, where there is a "faux-foods" quiz, which lists the ingredients of a common food substance and dares you to identify it. I only got one right, and wondered why I've been eating all this stuff. His advice is grounded in common sense - "if it ain't food, don't eat it" - and is actually quite easy to follow. How much time do Americans spend obsessing about how many carbs or sugars or fat grams are in their "food"? And when was the last time an American actually ENJOYED one of these low-fat, low-carb, low-sugar, low-taste, low-nutrition meals? The basic idea behind this "diet" is that Americans are fat because they eat too...
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