Bad Medicine: Doctors Doing Harm Since Hippocrates
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Bad Medicine: Doctors Doing Harm Since Hippocrates Details
Just how much good has medicine done over the years? And how much damage does it continue to do?
The history of medicine begins with Hippocrates in the fifth century BC. Yet until the invention of antibiotics in the 1930s doctors, in general, did their patients more harm than good.
In this fascinating new look at the history of medicine, David Wootton argues that for more than 2300 years doctors have relied on their patients' misplaced faith in their ability to cure. Over and over again major discoveries which could save lives were met with professional resistance. And this is not just a phenomenon of the distant past. The first patient effectively treated with penicillin was in the 1880s; the second not until the 1940s. There was overwhelming evidence that smoking caused lung cancer in the 1950s; but it took thirty years for doctors to accept the claim that smoking was addictive. As Wootton graphically illustrates, throughout history and right up to the present, bad medical practice has often been deeply entrenched and stubbornly resistant to evidence.
This is a bold and challenging book--and the first general history of medicine to acknowledge the frequency with which doctors do harm.
Bad Medicine: Doctors Doing Harm Since Hippocrates Features
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Most Underlined Buyer Review : Centuries and Centuries of Medical Failure
We are proud of humanity's progress in medicine. We like our doctors; they are consistently among the professions that the public trusts the most. There are countless books on histories of medicine, citing a proud tradition from Hippocrates on down to the latest in gene therapy. Doctors gradually but eagerly advanced to take in new techniques and new science to get us where we are today. Except this did not happen. "For 2,400 years patients have believed that doctors were doing them good; for 2,300 years they were wrong." The unsparingly pessimistic view of the overwhelming failures of doctors is that of David Wootton, a professor of history who has written _Bad Medicine: Doctors Doing Harm Since Hippocrates_ (Oxford University Press). The world has adopted the scientific method as the way of getting information and using it, but before the dawn of germ theory, there was only a firm hold on medical traditions, and the traditions were wrong. Even worse, in many cases medical...
Pay attention to The Reviews from Various other Purchasers
Very Important History of Medical Incompetence
Reading this book increased my lack of confidence in the competence of the medical industry. Author's conclusions about bad medicine seem to me to also apply to many other "professional" fields as well like education and law. Human nature loves not having to think and wallowing in ignorance no matter how dire the consequences. The most telling quote form the book was, "All the evidence suggests that the delay in formulating a practical germ theory has its origin not within microbiology but outside it. The chief obstacle was that doctors were satisfied with their existing therapies; the barriers to progress were psychological and cultural not intellectual."
Wootton, David (2006-06-22). Bad Medicine : Doctors Doing Harm Since Hippocrates (Kindle Locations 4222-4224). Oxford University Press. Kindle Edition.
They were satisfied with existing therapies no matter how often those therapies caused death and prevented progress. What satisfied therapies of the modern...
This book is well researched and fascinating to read.
This book is full of interesting information about the history of medicine and how much damage medicine still does today. This book is well researched and fascinating to read.
Romeo Richards,
How To Market And Manage A Private Medical Practice
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