Healing Moves: How to Cure, Relieve, and Prevent Common Ailments with Exercise
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Healing Moves: How to Cure, Relieve, and Prevent Common Ailments with Exercise Explanation
In this groundbreaking book, two experts, a renowned cardiologist and an award-winning health columnist, show readers specific new strategies for taking advantage of a low-risk, low-cost, extremely effective, and readily available form of healing -- physical activity. The National Institute on Aging reports that "if exercise could be packed in a pill, it would be the single most widely prescribed, and beneficial, medicine in the nation." We know that physical activity is effective prevention, but pioneering research shows that it can also treat -- and even reverse -- America's top killers, often more effectively than drugs or surgery.
Drawing from Eastern as well as Western traditions, the authors explain how specific exercises can be powerful therapy for such life-threatening ailments as heart disease, cancer, stroke, pulmonary disease, and osteoporosis, as well as conditions that affect quality of life, including arthritis, back pain, asthma, depression, diabetes, stress, PMS, sexual dysfunction, high cholesterol, and carpal tunnel syndrome. The book's informative text is complemented by more than one hundred detailed illustrations that include yoga, qi gong, and various stretching and strength-building techniques. Whatever your age or fitness level, Healing Moves can help create a sense of well-being that can spill over into every aspect of daily life.Western and Eastern medical professionals, alternative practitioners, and science researchers all agree: exercise is therapeutic. Physical activity can assist healing, and specific types of exercise can improve health and combat illness. Carol and Mitchel Krucoff have dissected the research and created a series of practical, motivating plans to incorporate "healing moves" into your lifestyle, whatever your health conditions.
"Physical activity can help some diabetics come off insulin and some hypertensives quit their high-blood-pressure medication," write the authors (Carol Krucoff is a science writer and health columnist for the Washington Post; husband Mitchel Krucoff is a senior staff cardiologist and director of the Ischemia Monitoring Laboratory at Duke University Medical Center). "It can lower cholesterol, ease arthritic pain, lift depression, relieve anxiety, and help asthmatics breathe more easily." Moreover, exercise helps slow the aging process, improves heart and lung function, increases metabolism, and strengthens the immune system.
Healing Moves is an indispensable, readable, science-based resource for people who wish to improve their health with exercise. Special chapters target metabolic disorders (such as diabetes and obesity); mental health conditions (stress, depression, anxiety); orthopedic disorders (back pain, repetitive stress disorder, osteoporosis); immunological conditions (colds, cancer, HIV); cardiovascular disorders; men's health; women's health; and respiratory disorders. For each, the authors explain the condition and how it is affected by lifestyle, its risk factors, and how exercise helps. Then they give an exercise prescription with general and specific guidelines, cautions, and additional resources. Each chapter offers specific "healing moves" that include specific aerobic, strength, relaxation, mind-body, breathing, stretching, and daily-life recommendations. The illustrations are line drawings of refreshingly real looking people, complete with paunch, neck wrinkles, and eyeglasses.
The Krucoffs back up their recommendations with plenty of science, but the writing is still reader friendly, warm, and simple to understand. They offer commonsense advice, too, such as asking you, "What's the point?" of exercising when you have a cold: "If you're exercising for your health, because it makes you feel good, and to boost your immunity, why work out when your body is telling you to rest?" Healing Moves is a must-have book that promotes seeing exercise as "recess": a "play break" rather than a "workout," keeping it fun and flexible. --Joan Price
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Most Underlined Buyer Review : Great Exercise Book
A well written, concise guide to the mental and physical benefits of exercise. Step-by-step instructions for gradually adding exercise with the emphasis on making it fun can encourage even the most sedentary reader to be more active.
Exactly what Other Purchaser claim?
A good resource - sometimes preachy
This is a good resource of clear, easy-to-follow, accurate exercise information and the authors, Carol and Mitchell Krucoff, go out of their way to dispel myths of "feeling the burn" as the only way to exercise. I did, however, feel that the tone of the book could get a little pushy (and maybe some readers need that motivation?) and I found that turning me off to the book. I did appreciate that the illustrations used "real life bodies" but always feel that pictures in books are difficult to decipher, particularly for more complicated moves. I was reading the book for the osteoporosis information and felt there were not as many "cautions" as I would like to see in terms of potentially dangerous moves, etc. Also, having several categories of illness lumped together in the same chapter could lead some readers to confusion about which exercises are specifically geared towards them. Valuable information, especially the first chapter on general...
Something for Everyone
Healing Moves is a terrific source book for people who want to improve their health and for those who just want to STAY healthy. The information is thorough, the instructions and illustrations are clear...this is stuff you can really put into practice. Check it out!
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