Reviews Healing Schizophrenia: Complementary Vitamin & Drug Treatments

Healing Schizophrenia: Complementary Vitamin & Drug Treatments

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I did have some issues after reading some of the prior testimonials prior to purchasing the unit. After using the unit now for time I can say I have actually had zero concerns and the unit has actually done perfect. We simply bought this Healing Schizophrenia: Complementary Vitamin & Drug Treatments, utilizing the discount and the cost-free shipping. Made it the best rate on the internet when we purchased it initially of this month.

Healing Schizophrenia: Complementary Vitamin & Drug Treatments Description

Dr Hoffer presents his highly successful nutritional treatment of schizophrenia involving an allergy-free diet enhanced with vitamin supplements (vitamin B-3, primarily), assisted temporarily by drugs when symptoms are severe. This book not only answers the questions healthcare professionals may have about the symptoms and causes of this disease, but also gives patients and their families new hope for recovery from schizophrenia. Features case studies of many patients who have been healed by Dr Hoffer's treatment and includes the HOD test for diagnosing schizophrenia.

Healing Schizophrenia: Complementary Vitamin & Drug Treatments Features

If you are looking for a Healing Schizophrenia: Complementary Vitamin & Drug Treatments, so i high recommended this item to you. I bought this product at a price that offers in USA.

Healing Schizophrenia: Complementary Vitamin & Drug Treatments even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Response to criticism of niacin therapy
I feel I should offer a rebuttal to B. Chiko. The report referenced by Chiko is the 1973 APA psychological report, a report full of errors, misleading statements and poor arguments. Hoffer has claimed that Niacin & vitamin C works best on acute schizophrenics, the 1973 report used niacin alone on chronic schizophrenics. Hoffer wrote a well thought out retort to the 1973 report entitled `Megavitamin Therapy in reply to The American Psychiatric Association Task Force Report on Megavitamin and Orthomolecular Therapy in Psychiatry.' In it he details all of the misleading statements of the APA report, and I urge everyone here to actually read the 1973 report and its rebuttal. In fact, after reading this retort JR Wittenborn, one of the six authors of the APA report conducted a test of niacin using Hoffer's parameters (acute schizophrenics) and found positive results (A Search for Responders to Niacin Supplementation). Naturally none of the skeptics reference that study. Hoffer claims his...

What Various other Buyer point out?
Hidden reason why niacin is so effective
I believe the reason that Dr. Hoffer has been so effective in his treatment of mental illness with niacin goes allot further than what is obvious in this book. There is significant evidence that mercury is causing many mental disorders, along with about 50 other health problems. There is allot of coverup and ignorance on this issue, but it will be revealed over the next 10 years in legal cases that will be bigger than that of the tabbaco industry.

Mercury causes severe glutathione depletion by robing glutathione molecules of an electron, and resulting in the depletion. With low glutathione levels, our body cannot naturally detoxify and a whole series of health problems result. Niacin is a very powerful tool to rebuild glutathione levels in a body, and our body depends on glutathione to detox mercury and other toxins. I believe this is one of the hidden reasons niacin is so effective in dealing with mental disorders, since mercury is the underlying cause of the...

Advisedly optimistic
When I stumbled across this book I was looking for some help for a sibling. My family and I had seen the detrimental tranquilizing affects of anti-psychotic meds first hand. Moreover, their side effects (even with the new generation of meds) can include tardive dyskinesia. This book provided some much needed hope that there might be something proposing an alternate. This is a well written book intended for comprehension by the general public. And while I am aware of the APA's 1973 criticisms of niacin therapy, I was disposed to try it anyway. Dr. Hoffer provided convincing anecdotal evidence that there was at least some efficacy in the use of his regimen. He does not claim that all schizophrenics will be entirely off anti-psyche meds with the use of his regimen. A nice side effect of niacin therapy (we use inositol hexanicotinate) at high dosages is a reduction of LDL cholesterol. At any rate, Hoffer's book ultimately convinced us to try the treatment. My sibling has now been...


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