Trying to Give Ease: Tommie Bass and the Story of Herbal Medicine Best Price

Trying to Give Ease: Tommie Bass and the Story of Herbal Medicine

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We just purchased this Trying to Give Ease: Tommie Bass and the Story of Herbal Medicine, making use of the price cut and the cost-free shipping after checking out a few of the prior testimonials prior to buying the item. Up until now so great. I am completely in love with this product from Duke University Press Books, Made it the best price on the net when we bought it initially of this month.

Trying to Give Ease: Tommie Bass and the Story of Herbal Medicine Details

In Trying to Give Ease, John K. Crellin and Jane Philpott focus on the life, practices, and accumulated knowledge of the late A. L. "Tommie" Bass, a widely known and admired Appalachian herbalist. Informed by insights drawn from several disciplines, particularly anthropology, their broad historical analyses of self-care practices and herbal remedies draw heavily on recorded interviews with Bass and his patients. Special attention is given to local resources that shape alternative medicine, the backgrounds of herbal practitioners, and the cultural currency of medical concepts once central to professional medicine and now less common. The authors report on both the physical effects of herbal remedies and the psychological factors that have an impact on their success. Trying to Give Ease is a companion to A Reference Guide to Medicinal Plants, also published by Duke University Press.

Trying to Give Ease: Tommie Bass and the Story of Herbal Medicine Features

If you are searching for a Trying to Give Ease: Tommie Bass and the Story of Herbal Medicine, so i highly suggested this hot product to you. I bought this product at a price that offers in United States of America.

Trying to Give Ease: Tommie Bass and the Story of Herbal Medicine even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : An Influential Appalachain Herbalist
Although I never had the honor of meeting Tommie Bass, I know him through his students and herbal colleagues. Crellin does a great job of portraying Tommie Bass with his unique personality and take upon life. Bass had an unsurpassed knowledge of the medicinal use of herbs, drawing on the Appalachian, Cherokee, African-American and southern traditions. Crellin lets Bass speak for himself about the herbs he loved, and the newer directions his medicine took before he died.

Various other Buyer Stating
I borrowed this book from a friend about 5 years ago, and just recently bought one for myself. It is worth getting, as it has some very useful information about local herbs.

Looking forward to reading this book. It was recommended by a friend and instead of borrowing the book I decided to purchase my own and take my time reading.


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