Detoxification - All you need to know to recharge, renew and rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit!
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I got this product about 7 days ago and am extremely happy with the item. I had an Detoxification - All you need to know to recharge, renew and rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit! and I would never purchase once again. So far so excellent. Can't be worse than the Detoxification - All you need to know to recharge, renew and rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit! Likewise if you registered it on line you got an extra two months guarantee.
Detoxification - All you need to know to recharge, renew and rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit! Details
In this complete encyclopaedia -- a guide of detailed instructions for detoxification and cleansing, Dr Page discusses why body cleansing is necessary in today's world. She shows you: what you can expect when you detox; what a good cleanse really does; how to direct a cleanse for best results. Also includes: Detailed detox charts for special needs; Step-by-step instructions that guide the reader through every detox programme; Extensive 'Green Cuisine' recipe section; Materia Medica Detox herbal supplement directory with over 90 herbs; Glossary of detox terms; List of detox-spa centres in America; Recommended product listing.
Detoxification - All you need to know to recharge, renew and rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit! Features
If you are trying to find a Detoxification - All you need to know to recharge, renew and rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit!, so i highly suggested this hot product to you. I bought this product at a price that offers in U.S.A.
Most Underlined Buyer Review : Detoxing with common sense
This is a good book to read for following your first detox. But I did find that my body needed some protein on the second day. So I added beans to the evening meal of miso the second night and it worked like a charm. This book contains some New Age mumbo-jumbo, but if you follow the dietary plans, you will see some amazing benefits. As the book recommends, I highly recommend you stick with a strict vegi diet the week before your detox to get the most benefits. I started on a Tuesday. By the following Tuesday I had lost 9 pounds and felt so great I hated going off the detox plan. Once you try a couple of different plans in this book, you figure out what works best for you. I invested in a Green Power juicer ..., the kind that juices wheatgrass, and I'm using it like crazy. You can also pick up a book of juicing recipes that will help you find ways to make the juices more delicious. Enjoy!
Look at Various other Purchaser Testimonial
You can only look into the book when you get it home and it's worth every cent.
Superbly organized. Every type of (detox) cleanse imaginable, and each is separately specified so you need only what is on that one page because it's all there for that one particular cleanse. What to do, and when, and what with what. For the night before, and the next day upon rising, then for breakfast, for mid-morning, lunch, and so forth right through before you go to bed that first evening. Whether it's herbs that you choose or their combination or for choices of products from among all the many specialized companies, everything is laid out for you and so easily understood. Linda Page has done all our research for us. Amazonian shamans and American Indian practices, the traditional European spas and India's Ayurveda. No excess wordiness. A perfect road to wellness with just the right number of her recipes. This book is a gem. Sort of like having your own health dictionary.
Clear, Complete and Informative
This book is very concise and useful but is never overly-wordy and unnessarily complicated. Very well-thought out and great resources cited as well. If you want to re-charge and feel "cleaner" than you may be able to imagine, read this book!
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