Portion Savvy: The 30-Day Smart Plan for Eating Well Top Deals

Portion Savvy: The 30-Day Smart Plan for Eating Well

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I did have some concerns after reading a few of the previous testimonials prior to buying the unit. After utilizing the unit now for some time I can state I have actually had no issues and the unit has actually performed remarkable. We simply bought this Portion Savvy: The 30-Day Smart Plan for Eating Well, utilizing the price cut and the free of cost shipping. Made it the very best price on the internet when we purchased it initially of this month.

Portion Savvy: The 30-Day Smart Plan for Eating Well Details

Let the "Queen of Lean" (GQ) inspire you to a healthier, happier body in just thirty days, and help you enjoy the lifelong benefits of looking and feeling sensational. Carrie Latt Wiatt has worked weight-watching wonders for her celebrity clients, including Alfre Woodard, Neve Campbell, Jennifer Aniston, and Dennis Quaid. Now, this gifted motivator lays out a back-to-basics plan for permanent weight control -- without sacrificing the wonderful flavors, textures and variety that every palate craves.

How can you reach your desired weight and stay off the diet roller coaster forever? The key is portion control. Portion-savvy men and women don't diet -- they manage food wisely by knowing their right-sized servings, a skill that "clicks in" every time they make a food choice. Let Carrie Wiatt retrain your eye, your appetite and your attitude -- you'll find yourself not only craving healthier foods, but feeling satisfied by smaller servings. And with the delicious and easy low-fat recipes that set the Portion Savvy plan in motion, you'll be creating healthy habits without even knowing it. You'll wonder why you ever ate any other way!

Portion Savvy: The 30-Day Smart Plan for Eating Well Features

  • ISBN13: 9780671024178
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!

If you are searching for a Portion Savvy: The 30-Day Smart Plan for Eating Well, so i high advised this hot product to you. I bought this product at a price that offers in United States.

Portion Savvy: The 30-Day Smart Plan for Eating Well even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Portion Savvy: The 30-Day Smart Plan for Eating Well
I always thought I knew how & what to eat. That it was simply a matter of excersicing more to lose weight. I have never been interested in "dieting", most seemed so extreme, and didn't make sense nutrition wise. Nor was I interested in joining Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig, the programs don't teach you how to shop, cook or eat for yourself, you have to buy their food. I found this book easy to follow and have lost 25lbs since I read it 9 months ago. It gives you a terrific balance of day to day meal planning, recipes & nutrition information. Now I truely know how much food my body needs to maintain and lose weight. I highly recommend this book for anyone out there who has struggled with their weight. However, like anything you need to be serious about making changes in your habits for it to work. I have never lost this much weight doing anything else. Just try it!

Look at Various other Purchaser Testimonial
This book is great!
This book finally made me realize I was overheating and just how much. It's simple and easy to understand. I've lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks and I feel like the other 15 are just around the corner.

Portion Savvy Helped Me!
I think this book is good for people who are serious about losing weight. I have always exercised, but I also thought I could eat anything I wanted as well. Portion Savvy has taught me that my body does not need the amount of food that I have been putting into it.I didn't use the recipes because I don't really like a structured eating plan. With the information on snacking, metabolism and portions I have been watching what I eat but also eating my favorite foods (like pizza) in moderation. Most people who read this book will be very motivated to lose weight and keep it off but they have to have control of their eating habits. It is not a miracle plan; it is common sense put together with helpful guidelines.


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