The Potbelly Syndrome: How Common Germs Cause Obesity, Diabetes, And Heart Disease
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The Potbelly Syndrome: How Common Germs Cause Obesity, Diabetes, And Heart Disease Description
Potbelly syndrome (PBS) is a metabolic disorder that affects about one-third of the adults in industrialized countries. Its most important symptoms are abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. Contrary to popular belief,these conditions are caused by chronic infections, not by bad habits. PBS is initiated by a small, long-term excess of the stress hormone cortisol. The extra cortisol stimulates our appetite and slows down our metabolism. It makes fat accumulate in places where it isn't wanted or needed. Most of th fat settles around our waists, but some of it settles in our liver and muscles. Liver and muscle cells aren't supposted to store fat, and the fat prevents them from working correctly. As a result, we feel tired and hungry much of the time. As our potbellies grow and our PBS gets worse, our blood pressure, cholesterol, insulin, and blood sugar levels rise. Most of the excess cortisol is produced in response to mild, chronic infections. Some of the germs that cause PBS also produce sores in our arteries. When these sores are large enough, they can block artieris and cause heart attacks. "The Potbelly Syndrome" explains how to diagnose and treat some of the germs that cause PBS and heart disease. If you've done everything you were supposed to do and still gained weight, became diabetic, or had a heart attack,or if you are a medical professional who suspects that there are serieous gaps in the current understanding of obesity, disbetes, and heart disease, "The Potbelly Syndrome" will provide you with the answers you need to bring about better health.
The Potbelly Syndrome: How Common Germs Cause Obesity, Diabetes, And Heart Disease Features
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Most Underlined Buyer Review : a revelation but of little practical help
This book, by a layman who has put in years of intense research to try to find a solution to his own serious health problems, claims that potbellies, and perhaps most cases of obesity, are due to ongoing inflammation, something most doctors ignore or even deny. Although this is clearly not a proven theory, there is plenty of evidence presented that infectious diseases, often in chronic form that the standard tests fail to identify, are also the cause of heart disease and diabetes. Physicians are reluctant to accept that standard tests might not be foolproof and even more reluctant to accept that the same type of bacteria and viruses present in healthy people could cause a variety of diseases in sick people, even though almost all healthy people eventually die of the same diseases such as cancer, heart disease, or stroke (see PS below).
The obesity culprit appears to be cortisol, produced by the adrenal glands, and the evidence that excess cortisol is (basically) to blame...
Exactly what Other Purchaser claim?
This book didn't help me
This book does an interesting job of describing the problem, but don't buy this book thinking that it will tell you how to lose weight. As the author says on page 124, "There is no safe, effective, and proven way to lose weight. . . . I believe that most cases of abdominal obesity, and perhaps most cases of any kind of obesity, can be traced back to chronic infections. If this is correct, then the best way to fight obesity will be to fight chronic infections. This is, needless to say, an unproven theory." The author holds out the hope that in the future, sophisticated medical treatment will be available. For now, the author recommends reducing stressors: avoid alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, air travel, television, etc. The author also recommends some changes that are easier said than done: marry the right person, live within your means, trust God, and so on. And if you have depression, get that cured somehow. None of this advice has actually made my potbelly any smaller.
a gem of a self-help book and a valuable resource!
This information-packed book explains the many effects of a naturally occurring stress hormone called cortisol. When the brain needs glucose (blood sugar), cortisol takes glucose from the cells of the muscles and liver, routing it to the brain. The inability of these cells to respond is called "insulin resistance". People with insulin resistance (e.g., those with Type 2 diabetes) must eat more food to obtain the required glucose. The surplus glucose is converted to abdominal fat. When this cycle happens frequently, the result is a potbelly.
Cortisol is one of three important natural products of the adrenal glands. Cortisol is always present in the bloodstream, so even small changes in stress result in corresponding changes in cortisol levels. Chronic infections can also stimulate the production of cortisol to levels high enough to cause insulin resistance, obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes - four conditions associated with the "potbelly syndrome", a term...

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