Parrotlet Handbook, The (Barron's Pet Handbooks)
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I did have some issues after reading some of the previous reviews prior to buying the unit. After making use of the unit now for some time I can state I have actually had zero problems and the unit has carried out exquisite. We just bought this Parrotlet Handbook, The (Barron's Pet Handbooks), making use of the discount and the free of cost shipping. Made it the best price on the net when we purchased it first of this month.
Parrotlet Handbook, The (Barron's Pet Handbooks) Details
Keeping parrotlets has become popular among bird lovers. This volume is filled with handsome, full-color photos, instructive line art, and easy-to-read tables and charts. It provides information on all aspects of pet care for new and prospective pet owners.
Parrotlet Handbook, The (Barron's Pet Handbooks) Features
- Made by Barron's Publishing
- Model Number 0962
If you are searching for a Parrotlet Handbook, The (Barron's Pet Handbooks), so i high recommended this item to you. I bought this item at a price that offers in U.S.A.
Most Underlined Buyer Review : Good book for breeders....
Because I keep many birds, I've read many books on the topic by Matthew Vriends. Vriends raises several kinds of tropical birds, visits their natural habitats, is involved in the preservation of wild birds and their habitats, and writes extensively on these topics. He is also a PhD (Dutch born biologist and ornithologist). I bought THE PARROTLET HANDBOOK in spite of the fact one reviewer said there was not much of interest about Parrotlets in this book, mainly because I have read so many of Vriends other books on other birds and found them helpful.
THE PARROTLET BOOK is very interesting, but it is also geared to the breeder of this type of bird. As the owner of two brother Parrotlets, I don't foresee joining the breeder group any time soon, even though Vriends makes a compelling case for becoming a breeder of Parrotlets who are under threat from the deforestation of the Amazon jungle.
In spite of the book's bias - which I truly appreciate, it does include...
Exactly what Various other Buyer say?
Excellent information on Parrotlets and similar birds.
Information on Parrotlets is difficult to obtain in general and Vriends does an excellent job focusing on all aspects of Parrotlet keeping. Obviously information on housing and feed is general to other Parrot species but relevant information on subspecies and mutations, aswell as breeding history are very welcome. The book appears to be padded out with information on other small hookbills such as Fig Parrots. The only other Parrotlet book I have come across is by Sandee & Robert Molenda. In terms of content Vriends is more clinical and also has colour photos in order to identify the different species. Overall a good addition to my Parrot Library !
Good basic information, but not much beyond that
I bought this book as a new parrotlet owner. The pictures are vibrant and interesting. However, most of the information provided is more along the lines of general bird care. Therefore, this probably would not be suited for individuals with any previous experience with birds. In addition, the book discusses many other types of small parrots, which, in my opinion, weakens the focus and does not allow for as much in-depth discussion of personality traits and behavior as the title suggests. If you have never owned a bird before and are considering the purchase of a parrotlet, this book may be precisely what you need. However, if you are adding a parrotlet to an existing "flock," it may be more helpful to talk to other owners instead.
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