Choices in Healing: Integrating the Best of Conventional and Complementary Approaches to Cancer Discount

Choices in Healing: Integrating the Best of Conventional and Complementary Approaches to Cancer

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Choices in Healing: Integrating the Best of Conventional and Complementary Approaches to Cancer Details

Written by one of the country's leading authorities on alternative and complementary cancer treatments, Choices in Healing is designed for the cancer patient or health professional who seeks a comprehensive overview of the available choices, both in treatments and in living with cancer.Choices in Healing offers valuable information and guidance for the whole life cycle of cancer -- from the initial shock of diagnosis to decisions about choosing a physician and conventional therapies, selecting complementary therapies, coping with treatment, and the art of living fully with the possibility of recurrence.There are detailed explanations and evaluations of a wide range of complementary therapy programs, including spiritual and psychological approaches, nutritional therapies, physical therapies, pharmacological therapies, and traditional medicines from around the world. There are sections on prayer and other forms of spiritual healing; psychotherapy, support groups, visual imagery and hypnosis; massage, therapeutic touch, yoga, and Qi Gong; macrobiotic diet and other cancer diets; acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicines; and numerous other unconventional therapies used by American cancer patients.With an unusual combination of compassion and objectivity, Michael Lerner describes his conclusions following more than a decade of study of unconventional cancer treatments in North America, Europe, India, and Japan. He also draws extensively on his work with hundreds of cancer patients who have participated in the Commonweal Cancer Help Programs, the residential support program depicted by Bill Moyers in his 1993 PBS documentary "Healing and the Mind."

Choices in Healing: Integrating the Best of Conventional and Complementary Approaches to Cancer Features

If you are seeking a Choices in Healing: Integrating the Best of Conventional and Complementary Approaches to Cancer, so i highly recommended this product to you. I bought this hot item at a price that offers in U.S.A.

Choices in Healing: Integrating the Best of Conventional and Complementary Approaches to Cancer even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Scepticism and optimism combined
First a word about me: I'm one of those cancer patients who doctors either love or hate. I read up on everything, and I am openminded about the benefits and risks of both conventional and alternative cancer therapies. I question everything and want to understand where the limits of our current understanding lie. I want references!

If you are anything like me, you'll appreciate the exceptionally fine balance that Michael Lerner draws. He honestly investigates the extent to which various cancer therapies work, mostly by reviewing "serious" research which examines cancer treatment from different angles. In areas where scientific studies contradict each other, he doesn't draw unfounded conclusions. He manages to give specific guidelines for dealing with cancer without advocating any one therapy too much.

Of the many books I've read on cancer, this is the one I appreciate the most. The tone of the book is honest, warm and caring; personal without being...

Other Buyer Saying
An excellen, balanced and compassionate book
As a pediatric oncologist with a special interest in the use of complementary medicine in cancer, I've read many books on this topic; and I must say this is the best so far. Dr Lerner is objective, knowledgeable, and writes well. His passion for the field, and his compassion for cancer patients show through. I would recommend anyone who intends to explore the use complementary medicine in cancer to start off with this book.

Deep, excellent.
Now in paperback, this is the book to send your friends with cancer. Its wide-ranging, patiently and caringly written, scholarly but accessible, and chocked with interesting references and good insights. Michael Lerner has taken it upon himself to do a thorough 'work-up' on the best of that heterogeneous lot of hearsay cures and popular supplemental treatments that cancer patients will start hearing about from friends, relatives and distant acquaintaces practically as soon as they are diagnosed. Choices in Healing gives one a way to start sorting it out.

Lerner strives for, and I feel achieves, an excellent balance between optimism and skepticism as he covers (a) the different "cultures" of conventional treatment - aggressive, gentle, U.S., European, Japanese, (b) spiritual approaches, (c) nutritional approaches, (d) physical and energetic approaches, (e) non-conventional herbal and pharmacological approaches. Stanislaw Burzynski, Virginia Livingston, Joseph...


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