Big SALE The Happy Minimalist: Financial independence, Good health, and a better planet for us all

The Happy Minimalist: Financial independence, Good health, and a better planet for us all

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We just bought this The Happy Minimalist: Financial independence, Good health, and a better planet for us all, making use of the price cut and the free of cost shipping after reading some of the previous testimonials prior to buying the product. So far so excellent. I am totally in love with this item from Xlibris, Made it the finest price on the internet when we purchased it first of this month.

The Happy Minimalist: Financial independence, Good health, and a better planet for us all Explanation

The life of a minimalist does not have to be deprived. It is simple living focused on what is truly needed to make you happy. It can be filled with enriching experiences, as demonstrated by Peter's life. Of humble beginnings, Peter is currently financially independent-not through winning a lottery, inheriting wealth, or joining a start-up. In this book, Peter poses questions, provides facts, and shares his personal experience. It is a timely call to examine one's life, to achieve financial independence, to attain good health, and to create a better planet for all.

The Happy Minimalist: Financial independence, Good health, and a better planet for us all Features

  • ISBN13: 9781436348621
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!

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The Happy Minimalist: Financial independence, Good health, and a better planet for us all even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : not worth the money
I bought this book after reading the glowing reviews left by others. I wish I had not spent the money. The book is poorly written and can be read in a half-hour or less. There is nothing new here that anyone with an interest in simple living and minimalism hasn't read in other places... and other sources do a better job of presenting the subject in a way that can actually be applied to your daily life. This guy just basically lives like a destitute college student, and thinks we all should. He doesn't own a bed - he sleeps on the floor in a sleeping bag! He doesn't have a table for his computer, he uses an ironing board. And his electric bill is 12 bucks a month because he doesn't turn on any lights at night! Hey - I can do better than that if I move into a cozy spot under a bridge. The completely impractical nature of this book and the amateurish presentation make this a poor purchase. [...].

Exactly what Various other Buyer point out?
the happy min
A thought provoking book that not only asks the question "When is enough, enough?", but poses an answer that is much less than you thought (and with a smile!). Lawrence explores the monetary costs of our lifestyles and the impact on an environment increasingly under stress from an increasing population wanting more.

He provides a detailed account of the various decisions he made, weighing the costs and benefits of every lifestyle choice that we all make: furniture, consumer goods, daily expenditures and so forth. But do we really appreciate the true cost of these items? In a provocative and thought provoking manner, Lawrence seeks to address these questions with his own choices: by having so little he has lots.

Doyou really need that HDTV ?
This is a very timely and thought-provoking book. I read it as a cogently argued philosophy rather than a how-to-manual, although both themes reverberate in different part of this book. At a time when oil and food prices are soaring, medical costs are unthinkably forbidding, and the environment of our beloved Earth in severe stress,nothing could be more refreshing than a carefully laid out thesis for minimalist living and consumption. Lawrence argues convincingly that happiness and the pleasures of life can still be savored while reducing consumption to the barest minimum. Yes it does take a re-orientation of our values and some personal discipline. And no, the economy does not need to come crashing down if everyone adopts a minimalistic lifestyle. This is a must read for singles, young people, married couples and families alike - for everyone who cares about where we are headed.


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