The Natural Medicine Guide to Addiction (Healthy Mind Guides) Big SALE

The Natural Medicine Guide to Addiction (Healthy Mind Guides)

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I will certainly provide interesting info for you, you can get a The Natural Medicine Guide to Addiction (Healthy Mind Guides) at a very low-cost price particularly for This day. But prior to you continue reading, please see testimonials about The Natural Medicine Guide to Addiction (Healthy Mind Guides) here

The Natural Medicine Guide to Addiction (Healthy Mind Guides) Description

Medical journalist Stephanie Marohn eases the pain and trauma of addiction recovery in this guide, one in a series dealing with ailments such as anxiety and depression. In layman's terms she discusses how chemical imbalances in the brain create addiction and withdrawal symptoms, and how they can be restored. Suggestions include: amino acid supplements (to regulate sugar levels), herbs such as chamomile, valerian root (to relax the nervous system), acupuncture, aromatherapy, candle therapy, and so on. Marohn's view of addiction is clear enough to see the big picture, which encompasses everything from crippling drug addiction to minor, apparently harmless habits such as compulsive shopping. According to Marohn, addiction is a problem that effects over 100 million people every year, and needn't be seen as either freakish or a sign of "weakness." Furthermore, there is a way to recover that does not compromise a holistic lifestyle through pharmaceutical medicines, should one choose this path.

The Natural Medicine Guide to Addiction (Healthy Mind Guides) Features

If you are searching for a The Natural Medicine Guide to Addiction (Healthy Mind Guides), so i highly recommended this item to you. I bought this product at a price that offers in U.S.A.

The Natural Medicine Guide to Addiction (Healthy Mind Guides) even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Don't Overlook this book! - Best book on Dealing with Addiction
I have experienced addiction on as many levels as anyone could and I've read a lot about Addiction. I've read studies of what works and what doesn't. I became part of a group that taught cognitive behavioral therpay online and donated 5 years of service to that. I saw how that helped some people but felt that there was something underlying that needed addressing, but I wasn't sure what. More recently I discovered the neurotransmitter component and became very intrigued with it. Then I began to wonder WHY, WHY, WHY aren't more places utilizing this. I also questioned why are most of the places that are utilizing it also using the "more traditional approaches" over the alternatives which have impressive statistices that are often scewed.

As to why so few places use the Neurotransmitter Therapy , I believe that money is a big answer, to assess what you need to do, you either answer questionairs which give tendency results..or take many lab tests which can be expensive,...

Pay attention to The Testimonials from Other Buyers

Nice holistic guide to understanding & healing addictions
Stephanie Marohn expands her efforts to educate the public about holistic approaches to health, especially in the mental health field. In this book she presents the same 5 levels of healing model described in some of her other books. Everything from orthomolecular and dietary issues to acupuncture, family systems, energy psychology, and shamanism are discussed. Descriptions of a variety of natural health approaches are included to offer a representative sample of available resources to address addiction issues. Most approaches to addressing addictions only focus on 1 or 2 of the levels in the holistic model shared by Marohn, so it is refreshing to see a book with depth of insight and variety of options explored. Conventional efforts to overcome addiction are often superficial and inadequate and this book offers insights as to why - and what approaches have been helpful for many people, including the clinical examples shared in this book. This book isn't comprehensive in...


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