The Complete Guide to Complementary Therapies in Cancer Care: Essential Information for Patients, Survivors and Health Professionals
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The Complete Guide to Complementary Therapies in Cancer Care: Essential Information for Patients, Survivors and Health Professionals Explanation
With recent clinical advances, millions of people survive many years after a cancer diagnosis. And while their physicians deliver conventional, evidence-based therapies to treat the cancer, sometimes the cancer patient and his or her symptoms are not treated with equal skill.
To manage their physical and emotional symptoms and promote health and well-being, most cancer patients and survivors use complementary therapies: Naturopathy, Ayurveda, herbalism, homeopathy, hypnosis, yoga, acupuncture, music therapy, macrobiotics, chelation therapy, colonics, hydrotherapy and many, many more. But … are they safe? Are they effective? What problems do they address? What are the risks? When can they help?
This unique and comprehensive book guides the way through the often confusing maze of complementary and alternative therapies promoted to cancer patients and survivors. The functions, benefits, backgrounds and risks are clearly presented. Learning when, if and how to use them provides medical professionals, cancer patients and survivors with the information they need to better control the symptoms and side effects of cancer and its treatment. Unfortunately, using some of these therapies without this expert guidance can lead to medical complications, or worse.
The Complete Guide to Complementary Therapies in Cancer Care is an invaluable resource in making educated health care decisions for managing life during and after cancer. Through the wise and informed use of these approaches, cancer patients -- whether just-diagnosed, during treatment or throughout Survivership are better able to manage the physical and emotional stresses that accompany cancer, leading to symptom control and improved quality of life.
The Complete Guide to Complementary Therapies in Cancer Care: Essential Information for Patients, Survivors and Health Professionals Features
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Most Underlined Buyer Review : "The Complementary Medicine GPS in Cancer care"
This is the Complementary Medicine GPS in Cancer Care for Doctors, non medical practitioners, and patients. Dr. Casileth has been able to share years of research, experience and wisdom in this masterpiece that combine diverity, aknowledgement of beliefs, and, with a friendly language, decribes how to use these therapie in a safe way and the benefits we can expect establishing an excelent balance between evidence and beliefs.
Pablo Mountford MD
Chief of Integrative Medicine
Fundaleu, Buenos Aires
Founder President of ASOI
(Asociación de Oncología Integrativa)
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Pay attention to The Reviews from Other Buyers
Important Achievement
Dr. Cassileth's guide more than lives up to its billing as "essential information." A uniquely visionary thinker, she has written a book that is critically targeted to what really matters to people and is full of empathy without judgment. Plus, her capacity to write simply and clearly is unique. We should be grateful that this achievement is now ours to read, to keep, to share.
An excellent overview
This book is a comprehensive guide that provides concise and insightful information to complementary therapies. This is a "must-read" for anyone looking to capture the entire field, written by a true expert.
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