Pit Bull Nation
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Pit Bull Nation Details
Pit Bull Nation is the story of a woman who found a pit bull and how that one dog changed the course of her life. The chain of events which follow would discourage most people, but Cindy finds a connection with these dogs that gives her the strength to overcome adversity and confront her own fears. She finds a comrade and soul mate in these unwanted dogs whose very name and image inspire media frenzy. This book is a journey over the hills and valleys of rescue work and a tell all look from behind the scenes in the killing fields where most of these dogs are being slaughtered simply because they look like pit bulls. Cindy Marabito believes there is a solution for America's first native dog breed, the American Pit Bull Terrier. This book is Cindy's story about these extraordinary dogs and the people who believe in them.
Pit Bull Nation Features
If you are seeking a Pit Bull Nation, so i high recommended this hot item to you. I bought this hot item at a price that offers in United States of America.
Most Underlined Buyer Review : Cindy Marabito is INSPIRING! This book was amazing!
I read this book cover to cover in a matter of 2 days. I work with a small group of women and we started a support organization called The Freckles Freedom Fund. We raise funds, sponsor dogs, coordinate transport, foster in some cases and/or find adoptive homes for pitbulls and pitbull mixes. We are dedicated to helping save this breed from the media and the stereotypes and to help educate the public about this wonderful, loyal and loving breed of dog.
Cindy's book is inspiring and just makes me want to work harder! She is an amazing individual who has worked tirelessly for this breed and done "whatever it takes to walk out with the dog", and has done so much good!! We have actually had dogs that we have sponsored rescued by her & "Reunion Rescue" and we are so grateful.
This is an easy and wonderful read, sometimes hard to swallow when you know that dogs lose their lives for no other reason then someone on a power trip, but very educational as well!
Other Buyer Saying
Awesome book!!!!
If you ever wanted to look into the life of a rescuer of the most discriminated against breed in the US, the Pit Bull, then you MUST read this book. In the book, you will read wonderful stories of pit bulls who were saved. There are also sad stories of the ones who didn't make it. The ones who were victims of discrimination and unnecessary power struggles that take place in the rescue world. You get a better understanding of why the breed gets such a bad reputation. (HINT: It's not the dogs' fault). But more than anything, you see the dedication it takes to rescue a breed in such dire need of help. This is a book that is great for current and potential rescuers. You learn that you are not alone in your feelings for the breed and why you just "know in your knower" that they are great dogs that just want to be loved. More importantly, I think that this book should be read by potential adopters and people who are not familiar, or are even afraid, of pit bulls. That reader will see that...
awesome book
I just finished reading Pit Bull Nation by Cindy Marabito. Her story is educational and inspiring. I believe everyone out there needs to read this book. What is happening in the USA and around the world, concerning animal welfare needs to be known. People all over the country are forming rescues and doing all they can to change the fate of pit bulls and all other animals. But the way the main organizations like the HSUS and ASPCA (even PETA) have to change if the problems are going to be solved. I have learned that in many cases it is the person acting as protector that often is the traitor. Even when these organizations are working to help, they have people working for them that do so much harm; and they wont allow the rescues to do the good work either. This is happening all over the USA and it needs to change. Cindy is an amazing woman and her story inspires me to do more and be more courageous to speak up and help come to true change. Saving one dog and cat at a time is not...
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