Best Seller The Endometriosis Natural Treatment Program: A Complete Self-Help Plan for Improving Health and Well-Being

The Endometriosis Natural Treatment Program: A Complete Self-Help Plan for Improving Health and Well-Being

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The Endometriosis Natural Treatment Program: A Complete Self-Help Plan for Improving Health and Well-Being Explanation

Endometriosis is a common medical condition in which the tissue lining the uterus is found outside of the uterus. Painful menstruation and infertility are two of the numerous symptoms, and it can take up to eight years to diagnose. This groundbreaking book offers practical, easy-to-implement ways to alleviate symptoms and improve overall health and well-being. It explores the environmental toxins, cosmetics, dietary habits, and other lifestyle issues that may be partially to blame for the condition. The authors outline a program for eliminating certain foods, changing habits, and using supplements and essential oils to begin healing the condition, incorporating aromatherapy, diet, sitz baths, and other methods. They suggest slow yet steady lifestyle changes that focus on whole, unprocessed foods, detoxification, self-massage, essential oils, stress reduction, herbal remedies, and supplements to address nutritional needs. The books also includes checklists and self-tests to help women implement the plan for treatment.

The Endometriosis Natural Treatment Program: A Complete Self-Help Plan for Improving Health and Well-Being Features

If you are searching for a The Endometriosis Natural Treatment Program: A Complete Self-Help Plan for Improving Health and Well-Being, so i highly suggested this product to you. I bought this item at a price that offers in USA.

The Endometriosis Natural Treatment Program: A Complete Self-Help Plan for Improving Health and Well-Being even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Excellent resource
Though others have released "natural approach" publications dealing with alternative remedies for the illness in the past, this is the first book that truly offers an all-encompassing guide to many (if not all) of the multifaceted therapies available to those suffering from the disease. The information is comprehensive, validating, empowering and interactive, as well as accurate. Well-written and easily understood by all audiences, this book is an invaluable resource and a welcome addition to any Endo patient's library.

Pay attention to The Reviews from Other Buyers
NOT exactly what i was looking for
This book had some informative things in it, for sure. But it was mostly essential oils which arent easy to mix and use as she says. More complicated regimens that a lot of people dont have time for. I have researched endo and was looking for more info on diet, which really can improve symptoms.

great book on endo!!!
I love this book! I have almost every endo book written in the past few years and this is one of my favorites. It is full of a lot of great info and ideas of natural treatments to try. The only complaint is that info on one subject can be found in a lot of different places in the book. Overall I highly recommend this book for those suffering with endo. I talked to a woman at an essential oil store who knew the writer and said she is well respected and knowledgable in the field of essential oils. I highly recommend this easy to read and very informative book.



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