No More Antibiotics: Preventing and Treating Ear and Respiratory Infections the Natural Way Best Seller

No More Antibiotics: Preventing and Treating Ear and Respiratory Infections the Natural Way

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We just purchased this No More Antibiotics: Preventing and Treating Ear and Respiratory Infections the Natural Way, utilizing the discount and the free shipping after reading some of the previous testimonials prior to buying the product. Up until now so good. I am totally in love with this product from Kensington, Made it the very best price on the net when we bought it initially of this month.

No More Antibiotics: Preventing and Treating Ear and Respiratory Infections the Natural Way Description

No More Antibiotics: Preventing and Treating Ear and Respiratory Infections the Natural Way Features

If you are seeking a No More Antibiotics: Preventing and Treating Ear and Respiratory Infections the Natural Way, so i highly advised this product to you. I bought this hot product at a price that offers in United States.

No More Antibiotics: Preventing and Treating Ear and Respiratory Infections the Natural Way even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : No More Ear Infections--It Worked For Us!
In this slim volume, Dr. Block not only explains what is wrong with the current system of antibiotic overuse for recurring ear infections, but also gives clear and concise steps for relieving and preventing ear infections in kids. Dr. Block gives nutritional guidelines, but more revolutionary is her osteopathic manipulation treatment--quick and easy massage movements to stimulate the child's own immune system and drain the fluids from the child's ears.

It seems so easy that it is hard to believe that these simple massages would have any effect. But, indeed, it really works. The times our child was on antibiotics, the ear infections went away and then came back quickly, with a vengeance. Since buying this book and using the techniques, our child has been infection-free and antibiotic-free.

Dr. Block is a genius and she's had experience with her own kids' terrible ear infections. This motivated her to come up with alternative techiques for curing ear infections...

Look at Various other Buyer Testimonial
good info
Really interesting information in this book. Not a big antibiotics fan so thought I'd try this book and a lot of it really makes sense. Hva had this book for a few years now and have to say a lot of it works--kids haven't been to the Dr for any respiratory/ear infection problems for quite awhile now.

This really works!
My son had over 8 ear infections from 9mths to the age of 2. Since we were able to tell that he had an ear infection and antibiotics worked, my pediatrician did not recommend tubes. We starting investigating alternatives to antibiotics after the last round killed the good bacteria in his GI tract and he had to go on other medication to clear that up.

We perform the massage suggested in the book once a day on him. (twice if he has a cold) It takes less than 5 minutes. My son hasn't had an ear infection in 1.5 years. He still gets colds and some times allergies, but they no longer cause ear infections.

I would recommend this book to everyone!


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