Women Living with Fibromyalgia
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Women Living with Fibromyalgia Details
Although fibromyalgia is a real neurological condition, it is not uncommon for FM sufferers to be treated as if "it's all in your head." Support, understanding, and even basic information can be hard to come by for coping with the intense pain and fatigue of this debilitating chronic illness, as well as the grief, anger, and isolation that often accompany its onset. Women Living with Fibromyalgia offers insight and practical advice to help sufferers alleviate the symptoms of FM and manage its impact on their lives, relationships, and careers. Woman from all walks of life share their experiences and the lessons they've learned about fibromyalgia, from a single student pondering the impact of FM on her future to the mother trying to find the energy to care for her children. Topics include: Strategies for dealing with pain, fatigue, and "brain fog;" advances in pharmaceutical treatment; results from latest scientific research; exciting new "alternative" treatments; financial issues such as insurance and Social Security benefits; and how an awareness of their rights can help women with FM in dealing with healthcare providers. This book helps its sufferers create new, rewarding lives even as they grieve the loss of the old one.
Women Living with Fibromyalgia Features
If you are trying to find a Women Living with Fibromyalgia, so i highly suggested this hot item to you. I bought this product at a price that offers in United States of America.
Most Underlined Buyer Review : This is me!
When I started reading this book, I began to cry. I saw myself over and over again. And it is so comforting to know I am not the only person feeling this way, hurting this much. I am not quite finished yet, but so far I have learned so much I didn't know and also found suggestions for coping I hadn't encountered. Now if someone could only come up with a cure!
Other Purchaser Stating
Great price for a book in great condition
The majority of the book entails synopsis of women's life coping mechanism with the condition of FMS. Would have liked a more informative type of booklet but was good to realize one is not alone.
I'm glad I'm reading it
I was introduced to this book by my fiance (now my husband), who bought it for himself - to read and understand what I'm going through and to better help me. He urged me to read it, too, but I did not want to learn anything about it, mostly because much of what I've read before contained so much 'doom and gloom'.
I'm so glad that I am reading it now, and like the previous reviewer, I was overcome with emotion to see myself continually, not realizing just how many symptoms I just chalked up to being 'normal', or the "course of time". But as my symptoms became more constant and more severe this past year, it was time to understand just what was going on and I found so much reassurance in seeing that so many others experience these bizarre happenings within their bodies, too.
Although I have not finished the book yet, I do want to add this: I am surprised to not see more mention of just how much dietary and lifestyle changes make a huge difference, and strongly urge...
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