Spontaneous Healing : How to Discover and Embrace Your Body's Natural Ability to Maintain and Heal Itself SALE

Spontaneous Healing : How to Discover and Embrace Your Body's Natural Ability to Maintain and Heal Itself

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Spontaneous Healing : How to Discover and Embrace Your Body's Natural Ability to Maintain and Heal Itself Description

The body can heal itself. Spontaneous healing is not a miracle but a fact of biology--the result of the natural healing system that each one of us is born with. Drawing on fascinating case histories as well as medical techniques from around the world, Dr. Andrew Weil shows how spontaneous healing has worked to resolve life-threatening diseases, severe trauma, and chronic pain. Weil then outlines an eight-week program in which you'll discover:

- The truth about spontaneous healing and how it interacts with the mind
- The foods, vitamins, supplements, and tonic herbs that will help you enhance your innate healing powers
- Advice on how to avoid environmental toxins and reduce stress
- The strengths and weaknesses of conventional and alternative treatments
- Natural methods to ameliorate common kinds of illnesses
And much more!It is clear that all organisms have highly developed mechanisms for self-repair and healing -- but according to Dr. Weil, Western medicine often interferes instead of working with these systems. In the course of his argument, he describes several extraordinary case studies of drastic spontaneous healing. Perhaps the most valuable feature of the book is his more gradual eight-week program of strengthening the ability of your immune, endocrine, circulatory, and nervous systems to provide such spontaneous healing.

Spontaneous Healing : How to Discover and Embrace Your Body's Natural Ability to Maintain and Heal Itself Features

If you are looking for a Spontaneous Healing : How to Discover and Embrace Your Body's Natural Ability to Maintain and Heal Itself, so i highly recommended this product to you. I bought this hot item at a price that offers in United States.

Spontaneous Healing : How to Discover and Embrace Your Body's Natural Ability to Maintain and Heal Itself even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Presents something profound and of enormous value
Andrew Weil, who is a graduate of the Harvard Medical School and the author of a number of best-selling books on medicine, consciousness, health and diet, is one of those rare men who have managed to acquire a prestigious conventional education and then build on that with unconventional experiences in other parts of the world. He has studied botany and medicine in the Amazon jungle and elsewhere, and alternative medicine in the far east before establishing his practice in the United States. This book, first published in 1995, is the result of what Weil has learned over the years. There is nothing spectacularly new here, but there is a carefully presented, enormously compelling argument for the power of our bodies to heal themselves if only we would give them the opportunity.

Problem number one is a medical establishment that sees its interventions as the cause of healing, when it occurs, and the failure of the body, when it does not. Every physician should humbly...

Exactly what Various other Buyer state?
Using your natural ability to heal and maintain your body
The idea that your body possesses natural ability to heal and maintain itself is usually not within the realm of believability for many. But this Harvard M.D. presents evidence and explains body mechanisms that can overcome life-threatening illness and pain.

A "how to" book, on the one hand, Dr. Weil also points out shortcomings of our medical system. He calls it "medical pessimism" because the end result is that often nothing more can be done. This comes about, he contends, because modem medical practice is based on the view that human beings are an assemblage of structures that can be neatly programmed. Western medicine, the Chinese, for example, believe the human organism has defensive spheres such as ~onsils, adenoids and appendix, which can be stimulated and are components of an immune system. Modem medicine, he believes, also writes off the importance of the mind, looking instead for physical causes of changes in health or illness.

A realist, Dr. Weil concedes...

Excellent resource. Enjoyable reading.
Dr. Andrew Weil is a graduate of Harvard Medical School and was for 15 years a research Associate in Ethnopharmacology at the Harvard Botanical Museum. He is founder and Director of the Program of Integrative Medicine at the U. of Arizona. His educational background, medical formation and years of professional experience are formidable and, I feel, give him the authority sufficient to write a book of this caliber.

For the last 7 months I have been receiving his monthly newsletter which discusses natural remedies to health problems and maintenance. They are wonderful. Over the Christmas holidays I purchased three of his books. By the time I finished reading Spontaneous Healing I had already sent a copy of the book to my mother, an LPN under treatment for Leukemia, and a friend of mine with Rheumatoid Arthritis. With another friend, who suffers from chronic eczema, I've shared my copy.

In this book Dr. Weil covers a number of case studies and explains how traditionally...


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